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Cornell University

What Happens When You Leave: Steps to Take Regarding Specific IT Services

If you will no longer have access to certain services in your new role, you may need to take steps to save or transfer files.

This article applies to: NetIDs

Students About to Graduate

Students should refer to What Happens When You Graduate for a list of rersources tailored to your role at Cornell.

Adobe Creative Cloud / Acrobat Pro DC

Access to Cornell's Adobe Creative Cloud and Acrobat Pro DC license is provided for university business use. These products are available to university employees who have a documented Cornell business need for the software. 

Retirees, retired faculty, and other former employees are not eligible to use Cornell's Adobe license, and access to the license will be removed within 30 days.

Emeritus faculty are eligible for the Adobe license, subject to the same restrictions as regular employees.

Former employees and retirees who wish to continue to use Adobe Creative Cloud and/or Acrobat Pro DC will need to purchase their own individual retail subscriptions from Adobe.

Cornell Box

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement) will not have access to Box.

Access to Box will continue for retiring faculty and for individuals who are switched to a sponsored NetID.

If you will be losing access to Box, before your status changes, you should:


Note that while access to Canvas is not specifically removed for students who leave the university, all courses in which a student was enrolled (by an instructor or via managed enrollment) will be available to them in a read-only mode. Instructors can restrict this access to completed courses.

Cornell Blog service

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement) will lose access to blogs they own.

Access to blogs they own will continue for retiring faculty.

Before your status changes, keep a copy of any blogs you want to save by exporting the blog

Assign administrative access to another person for blogs that need to remain active.



All graduating students keep their Cornell NetID email address. Alumni lose licensing for Microsoft 365, but can access their NetID email using Microsoft Outlook on the Web, which is available for free to all.

In anticipation of future changes, graduating students who use Google Workspace (including Gmail, Drive, Photos, and all other Google services) must reduce storage use below 5GB; or, if they use Microsoft 365 app, they must download all content that they wish to keep. More details are available at Alumni Frequently Asked Questions About Storage Changes.

You can also read more about Email Delivery Options for Alumni.

Faculty and Staff

Cornell University faculty and staff who retire — except Cooperative Extension staff and affiliates — keep access to their Cornell NetID email address, but lose access to Microsoft 365 desktop apps. Outlook on the Web, free for all users, can be used with their NetID email address.

Faculty and staff who resign or otherwise leave the university without retiring, unless they have an additional affiliation with Cornell such as “alumni” that provides ongoing Cornell email access, will lose access to Office 365 apps and Cornell email services after a grace period of at least 30 days. Affected users will be notified by email in advance of losing access to Cornell email service.

Those losing access to Office 365 desktop applications who wish to continue using the software must purchase a license for individual use. Microsoft also offers free online versions of Outlook for the web and an online suite including Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

Personal email accounts are not HIPAA- and FERPA-compliant, so do not forward or transfer email and other Office content created while an employee of the university to a personal account.

Former Postdocs

For details about email services available to former postdocs, visit More About Former Postdoc Email.

About Office 365 Email Forwarding

LastPass (password manager)

For students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (other than emeritus), your LastPass enterprise account will be converted to a free personal account. Your credentials will continue to work, but shared folder information will go away.

If you will be losing access to your Cornell email account when you leave the university, you are advised to update the email address in the LastPass account in advance to an account that you do have access to. (Without access to the email account used in your LastPass account, it would be impossible, for example, to update a master password). See this page for more information.

Also, LastPass accounts that have transitioned to free personal accounts are not protected by Cornell Two-Step Login (two-factor authentication). It is strongly recommended that users set up another form of two-factor authentication to protect non-Cornell personal LastPass accounts, such as LastPass's own Authenticator

If you are a member of a shared folder, that folder will disappear. If you are an administrator of a shared folder, you will no longer have access to it, so be sure there is at least one other administrator before you lose access.

LastPass Families

Your LastPass Family member accounts become free LastPass accounts when you leave Cornell. Your family members will continue to have access to their passwords, but only on desktop or mobile devices, not both. The accounts of family members will be individualized and not connected as a family. Passwords that were shared between family members will be in each person's vault, but they will no longer be linked. Additionally, emergency access -- allowing a family member to request access to your account in case of an emergency -- will not be available.

LinkedIn Learning (online training)

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement) will need to purchase a personal LinkedIn Learning subscription to continue using the service.

Before leaving Cornell, you should link your personal LinkedIn account to your Cornell LinkedIn Learning account. For details on how to do that, visit Connecting your LinkedIn Profile.

Access to LinkedIn Learning will continue for retiring faculty.

Microsoft Office obtained via Office Pro Plus

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise) and faculty and staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise) will need to purchase Office to continue using it.

When you lose access, the Office applications enter a reduced-functionality mode, which means that you can view documents, but you cannot edit or create new documents. You will be prompted by Microsoft to purchase a personal license for Office to restore full functionality. Microsoft provides the following documentation for those who wish to Migrate from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise to Microsoft 365 Personal for Windows 10.


Access to OneDrive will continue for retiring faculty and individuals who are switched to a sponsored NetID.  

Transfer documents related to class, department, or student organization activities to an appropriate person. 

For OneNote content, special steps need to be taken, so please read the instructions in the OneNote section that follows.

Move non-OneNote files that you wish to keep to a personal storage account. Some options include a personal Box account, DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft, or your local hard drive. Other storage options exist, both paid and free, and we encourage you to choose the best option for your personal situation. 

The information at Move Your Data Stored in OneDrive will help you understand some of the choices and tools available to you.

For other content, before your status changes:


Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement) will lose access to OneNote.

OneNote notebooks need to be transferred to a personal OneDrive or saved in PDF format

The OneNote .one or .onetoc2 files cannot simply be copied like a normal file. This content is stored in a proprietary format that cannot be opened by other applications. 

Individual OneNote pages and sections can be saved as Word documents using OneNote’s File menu > Export option, but may lose some formatting in the process. It is a good idea to try these methods well in advance of losing your Cornell licensing.

Microsoft Teams

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement), will lose their Cornell Microsoft Teams accounts. Faculty emeritus can retain access to Microsoft Teams.

Data stored in teams will not be removed and will continue to be accessible by other team members.

Cornell Survey Tool (Qualtrics)

Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), staff leaving Cornell (by retiring, resigning, or otherwise), and faculty leaving Cornell (not through retirement) will lose access to surveys they created or to which they had administrative access.

Access to surveys they created or to which they had administrative access will continue for retiring faculty.

Before your status changes


Students leaving Cornell (by graduating or otherwise), faculty and staff who resign or otherwise leave without retiring, and staff who retire, will lose their Cornell Zoom accounts. Faculty emeritus can retain access to Zoom; see the IT Services Available article (note 5) for more information.

Your account will become a free, basic Zoom account, and you will need to log in using Zoom's sign-in page rather than the Cornell Zoom login page. Also, you will no longer be able to join Cornell Zoom meetings that are restricted to authenticated Cornell users.

Remember that Zoom meeting recordings saved using the Record to the Cloud option will be located in your Video on Demand account. Download media you wish to save before you lose access to your Cornell resources. (Staff should be aware that any recordings they have created in the course of their work are the property of the university.)


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