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Cornell University


The Cornell University Blogs service provides an online publishing platform using CampusPress. CampusPress has WordPress's ease of use and most popular features, while keeping the service economical by focusing on providing only those features of greatest use to its entire community. Security and maintenance updates are managed by the vendor, making the CU Blogs service an ideal option for Cornell faculty and staff looking for a fast, easy way to publish content and manage comments from across the web, using a standard set of features.

  • Choose themes and add plugins and widgets from a standard collection.
  • Explore a degree of adjustments for the look, feel, and features on a site.
  • Custom theme development is no longer an option for CUBlogs.  If a custom theme is required, it is recommended to contact Custom Development and use an alternative hosting service, such as Pantheon.

For a list of available plugins, see Default User Plugins. The CUBlogs Service adjusts available plugins available to users based on our experience and identified user issues.  We are willing to activate a plugin upon request (see Default User Plugins); however, we may not be able to provide support should issues arise. Periodically the vendor makes changes to the environment and is not always able to provide advanced notice and communications. At times, the vendor may also need to remove a plugin from the service, which could impact your sites. Contact CUBlogs with questions.

If you feel you might need design or functionality beyond a standard range of choices, a better fit might be a hosted full installation of WordPress, or another web publishing environment. These provide more options and generally have a greater cost associated. Custom Web Development also offers a wide range of for-fee web development, design, and consultation services, and can help guide you to the web solution best suited to meeting your goals. Contact Custom Web Development to find out more about different options available for your project.

Graduating, resigning, retiring, or otherwise leaving Cornell? Find out what changes to expect for your Cornell Blogs account.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Open a ticket (24x7 support)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support

Service Details:


Information on Cornell's blog platform

Best For:

  • Quick to create and launch a simple website
  • No design or development skills required
  • Allows domain mapping ( for public sites
  • CampusPress updates and patches WordPress and plug-ins



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