Alumni Frequently Asked Questions About Storage Changes
This article applies to: Strategic Storage Initiative
How do these changes affect alumni who have a Cornell Google account?
If you are using Cornell Google email or Google Drive, you can keep using those services. A 5 Gigabyte (GB) cap will be applied between September 2024 and August 2025, on a rolling basis. Alumni will receive direct communications with clear deadlines for reducing storage.
Why are these changes happening?
Please see Why Cornell Google Services are Changing.
How can I see how much I have stored in my Cornell Google account?
Your current storage can be viewed in the Drive Storage section of your Cornell Google account. You may need to sign into your Cornell Google account with your NetID and password. If you have another Google account, such as a personal account, make sure you're looking at the Drive Storage page for your Cornell account by clicking your profile icon in the upper right. Your Cornell Google account is the one using your email address.
What individual plans does Google offer?
See Google's Choose a plan that works for you. If you are signed into your Cornell Google account, you will be asked to sign out and into a personal Google account. You can also see the information when completely signed out or through a private browser window.
How can I save or move content currently stored in my Cornell Google account?
See Move Your Personal Data for options.
If I am an alum and also faculty, student, or staff, how does that affect my Google services?
If you have both alumni status and another status, like faculty, student, or staff, your Google services will be those associated with your faculty, student, or staff role. If you leave Cornell or graduate, your Google service will revert to what's associated with Cornell alumni status.
Can I have more storage space?
Storage increases are not available for alumni Cornell Google accounts. In 2021, Google ended free unlimited storage for universities. Their pricing for higher education makes the costs of storage above the levels that have been set unsustainable. For details, see more information about why Cornell Google services are changing.
What should I do if I can no longer send or receive email in my Google account due to being over the 5 GB storage limit?
Fill out the Google Workspace email delivery grace period form. This form is used to re-enable a Google workspace email account's ability to send and receive mail when an account exceeds its quota and email sending and receiving are blocked.
How can I regain access to my Google account after the deprovisioning process has begun?
Fill out the Google Workspace account reinstatement grace period form. This form is used to re-enable a Google Workspace account that has begun the account deprovisioning process.
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