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Cornell University


Students Outdoors with Computers

Student IT Resources

Collaborate with others, stay organized, and keep your data and devices safe.

Checklist: Before You Arrive

Graduate, Professional, Visiting and Exchange students should review the essential steps for new students.
  1. Review computer recommendations and consider the Cornell Store for your technology needs.
  2. Activate your NetID and set your NetID password recovery email.
  3. Set up Cornell Two-Step Login
  4. View your registration, enrollment, student financials, course options, and more
  5. Select an email system to access your Cornell email.
  6. Register for campus Wi-Fi with eduroam
  7. Activate your Cornell Zoom account
  8. Uninstall filesharing programs to avoid copyright infringement risks.

How to: While You Are Here

Learn About Collaboration Tools

Protect Your Data, Identity, and Privacy

Identity theft is real

Research Tools

Qualtrics Survey Tool

Cornell provides a survey tool, Qualtrics, for use at no cost by Cornell students, faculty, staff, and retirees. Users can create and distribute their own surveys and gather information in support of the university's educational mission and organizational goals.


The Cornell Center for Social Sciences is a strategic partner who can help take your research to the next level with a full continuum of tools and expertise. We offer a range of support, technology, and collaboration in each of our focus areas: data services, research, computing resources, consulting, and training.


Cornell University's Center for Advanced Computing offers staff and students research education and outreach, as well as computing and consulting services that range from HPC systems and storage to programming, database development, and web portal design.


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