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Cornell University

Content (13)

OverviewDigital instructional tools have become increasingly utilized at Cornell, whether for primary content delivery (online courses), supplemental course material, meetings, or remote consultations. Individual units and departments have implemented a variety of tools and platforms to support…
Cornell web content managers who monitor the accessibility of their sites can influence the Siteimprove platform by taking a short survey. “Siteimprove was made available when the university web accessibility program began in 2018,  to help website administrators identify and fix…
Cornell Cloud Services is now offering two new solutions to enhance security features of Amazon Web Service (AWS) accounts: Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) and regulated data storage.
The new IT@Cornell website improves IT support staff's access to knowledge, is more accessible, and provides the benefits of updated web framework technology. IT@Cornell averages more than 350 thousand visits per month on average and contains more than three thousand knowledge, news, and…
Equidox PDF remediation software can save you time. Equidox lets you easily convert non-accessible PDFs into accessible PDFs or HTML. This remediation software is available for faculty, staff, and student workers who are assisting with accessibility projects.
What is web accessibility? Accessible websites and web applications are designed to be usable by anyone, regardless of device, language, culture, location, or disability. Specifically, web accessibility is a set of practices, choices, and standards aimed at making websites that people with a…
Intakes and DiscoveriesWe work with you to meet your business needs, budget, and deadlines. Our intake services range from a free 1-hour intake to short discoveries to full-scale requirements.More information about our discovery process.
Cornell has contracted with Acquia, a cloud-based hosting company, to offer Drupal hosting. The contract includes preferred pricing for: Hosting Selected 3rd-party tools Selected add-ons Paid support What Skills do I Need to Work with an Acquia Drupal Site? You'll need both technical and…
The Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) offers web hosting space for the purpose of course instruction and coursework for Cornell courses. This service is provided for course-related work by faculty, instructional staff, and students in active university courses. This service is provided for…
The Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) provides web server space for deploying dynamic web pages. The Academic Dynamic Web Hosting service offers web hosting space for the purpose of course instruction and coursework for Cornell courses. This service is provided for course-related work by faculty…
Cloudification is the conversion of applications, data storage, and compute cycles to take advantage of cloud computing. CIT offers a Cloudification service to help the Cornell community move to powerful, low-cost cloud infrastructure services. Cornell has enterprise agreements with …
The Cornell University Blogs service provides an online publishing platform using CampusPress. CampusPress has WordPress's ease of use and most popular features, while keeping the service economical by focusing on providing only those features of greatest use to its entire community. Security and…

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