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IT Security Special Interest Group (SIG) Agenda for November

Cornell security liaisons, technical support providers, and those interested in learning more about security-related topics are invited to join the monthly IT Security SIG meeting. This month, topics include Secure Connect and an open forum.

October 15 Keynote Speakers Introduce Strategies for Navigating Change and Organizational Change Management

Each keynote speaker in the October 15 Emerging Tech Dialogue event shared different perspectives of change and how it impacts individuals.

EDUCAUSE Organizational Change Management QuickTalk

Watch a recording of the EDUCAUSE October 31 QuickTalk about Organizational Change Management. 

Five Ways to Stay Cybersafe Year Round

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month has come to an end, but the mission remains. Scammers don’t take a break, and neither can our community afford to forget important cybersecurity tips and tools. You can help Secure Our World in so many ways!

October 15 Navigating Change Facilitators Share Projects and Process Insights in Breakout Sessions

Breakout session facilitators led audience members through activities, demonstrations, and discussions about coming changes and how to approach and navigate the people-side of change.

Think Before You Share That Link

When you share a link so that “anyone in the organization can view it,” it’s possible that someone you don’t know could accidentally view it. But when you take precautions to collaborate responsibly, you can protect your data from getting into the wrong hands. Learn more about responsible collaboration in SharePoint and Box.

What's a Passkey?

In Chief Global Information Officer Curtis Cole’s Wireside Chat on Wednesday, October 30, he mentioned passkeys as one way in which technology improves efficiency.

Where Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Collide

Artificial intelligence is a tool with the potential to do great good in the world. But like any tool used irresponsibly, or in the wrong hands, it can do harm. If not used safely, it can contribute to data and privacy violations. Cybercriminals can exploit its ability to mimic and generate images and language. Learn more.

New Copilot Features Include Chat History

Microsoft has made a few changes to Copilot since March 2024, improving the experience for those who use it. 

Secure Your Accounts to Stay Cybersafe

If all you need to access your account is “hello123,” then it will be easy for anyone else with an interest in your information to gain access as well. Don’t let a weak password be all that stands between your information and a cybercriminal. Learn some essential tips to keep your accounts secure.

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