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Protect Yourself from Internship or Job Scams

Be cautious about any unsolicited offers you receive for internships or jobs. Cornell students are continuing to receive a large of number of fraudulent (phishing) emails with these scam offers, and some students have fallen victim. 

Previously Announced Alumni Google Storage Tiers of 5 GB and 10 GB to be Implemented

Two Google storage tiers planned and announced in 2022 will eventually be added for alumni Google accounts.

Unused Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams to Start Being Deleted Late September 2024

Starting in late September 2024, Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams that have had no activity for a year or more, and whose owners do not respond to warning notices, will start to be deleted. 

Videoconferencing Accessibility Progress for Speech Diversities

For many in the speech diverse and the stuttering community, spaces that prioritize verbal communication (such as video calls) present unique challenges around entering conversations, being interrupted, and being understood.

July 19 CrowdStrike Software Update Impacts Cornell Windows Computers

Cornell Windows computers begin rebounding from a widespread technology issue that resulted in a blue screen and error message.

Scams Take Advantage of CrowdStrike-related Windows Outage

Bad actors pose as support staff following a widespread technology outage.

Protect Your Account from being Targeted by an “Evil Twin”

Fake WiFis can exist even at 40,000 feet!

How Many Ways Can You Duo?

Are you set up to bypass a Duo bypass code?

July Meeting of the Software Development Special Interest Group

The Software Development Special Interest Group (SD-SIG) will meet on Thursday July 25 at 10:30 AM over zoom.

IT Security Special Interest Group (SIG) Agenda for July

Cornell security liaisons, technical support providers, and those interested in learning more about security-related topics are invited to join the monthly IT Security SIG meeting. This month, topics include the August ice cream social, a Secure Connect update, and vulnerability management updates.

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