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Cornell University

Emerging Tech Dialogues - Trust and Data: Tools for Our Changing World

Join Ben Maddox and a diverse group of leaders on April 2, 2025, to explore the ups and downs of being a data-driven community in a free, full-day symposium.

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Register today. This event is open to all Cornell-affiliated community members including Ithaca, Weill, and Cornell Tech campus staff, faculty, students, and researchers.

Event Details

Ithaca Campus: Statler Hall, and online via Zoom

Wednesday, April 2, 2025

9 am–4pm

Decorative with "Emerging Tech Dialogues: Trust and Data: Tools for Our Changing World"


This spring, we'll discuss data. How do we analyze it? How can we communicate our insights? How do we use data to inform process, practice, and generate trust?

More information is to come as speakers and sessions are confirmed.


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Breakout Session Details

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Host and Keynote Presenter Backgrounds

Ben Maddox - Chief Information Officer for Cornell's Ithaca campus and Cornell Tech, Maddox earned his doctorate in higher education management from the University of Pennsylvania, his M.A. in education and cognitive science from New York University, and his B.A. in political science from Baylor University. In addition to his role at Cornell, he is also an adjunct instructor and doctoral advisor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. His academic work focuses on intersections of systems: people, organizations, and technology --particularly how technology, innovation, leadership, and learning fuel change. Prior to his role at Cornell, Maddox was serving as NYU's chief academic technology officer, capping off his 13 years in leadership roles for NYU's New York and Abu Dhabi campuses.

More information to come.


The public bus service, TCAT, stops in front of Statler Hall. If you are driving and don't have a campus parking permit, you can purchase parking through the ParkMobile app. Locations can be found on the PDF.


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