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Cornell University


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No one has access to your passwords except you. Not Cornell, not the folks at LastPass. Your Master Password (which only you know, right?) is the key that unlocks the encryption of your password vault. Without the key, your vault is a scrambled, unusable mess. That's why you never share your…
If you re-use a password on multiple accounts, even if your password is long and complicated, all it takes is one account getting compromised to make all your other accounts vulnerable. Password compromises are quite common these days. If an attacker gets access to your password through…
If you spend time online (and look, you're online right now!), you probably have dozens or hundreds of accounts at various websites. We recommend that you 
User Experience An email account from my website that is hosted in the cloud (Pantheon, Acquia, Media3, or another external hosting service) sends mail to users with a address, but none of the email is delivered.
If you edit your video, you will not be able to use the In-Line Caption Editor. Offline editing will still work. Log in to 
CITSG Desktop Support offers standard configurations of Apple and Windows laptops and desktops, listed below. CITSG-supported faculty and staff can submit a request using our online form. (Non-CITSG customers, please contact your local IT Support.)
Spectrum Protect is now known as Storage Protect Windows 11 (except mobile) (for Storage Protect 8.1.13 and higher) Windows 10 (except mobile) Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2022 Core (for Storage Protect 8.1.13 and higher) Windows Server 2019 Core (for…
Spectrum Protect is now known as Storage Protect Installation Instructions for Storage Protect Client v8.1 for Windows 11 (except mobile) (for IBM Storage Protect v8.1.13 and higher) Windows 10 (except mobile) Windows 8.1 Note: Windows 8.1 is no longer supported by…
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit. If you believe you have a business reason to install or update EZ-Backup, please contact the EZ-Backup team.
Spectrum Protect is now known as Storage Protect CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit. If you believe you have a business reason to install or update EZ-…
Spectrum Protect is now known as Storage Protect Use these installation instructions for the following Linux distros:
Spectrum Protect is now known as Storage Protect Use these installation instructions for the following Linux distros:
The Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS) supports the computational and data needs of Cornell researchers. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) has created How to Survey Cornell Students.
Your Account Is Disabled You see the following message when you try to use Two-Step Login:
FERPA The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. It is the policy of Cornell University to comply with FERPA as outlined in Policy 4.5)
Cornell University employs consistent procedures for notification and processing mass electronic mailings to the following constituencies: faculty, staff (academic and non-academic), students, and alumni.
To request this feature for your account, submit the Cornell Qualtrics general support form. Please include a brief description of your project, its duration, and why offline survey response collection is needed. While Cornell can enable this feature for an account, support and troubleshooting…
All Cornell Qualtrics accounts can have an unlimited number of surveys simultaneously active with one exception: Sponsored accounts (temporary staff and exceptions w/sponsor) can only have 25 surveys simultaneously active.
Qualtrics user accounts come with a lifetime limit based on the user's university status when their Qualtrics account was first activated. Users will encounter an error message if they attempt something that would exceed their current limits. Account type and limits can be adjusted to suit…
User accounts are not immediately deleted or lost, and all survey data persists in the system. However, users will not be able to login and access the data. After several years, accounts are permanently deleted. If you are moving to another institution that has a Qualtrics instance, you can…

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