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Cornell University

Qualtrics Lifetime Email Message Limits

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

Qualtrics user accounts come with a lifetime limit based on the user's university status when their Qualtrics account was first activated. Users will encounter an error message if they attempt something that would exceed their current limits.

Account type and limits can be adjusted to suit academic and business needs. To request a change, contact CIT using the Qualtrics support form.

Type of AccountEmail Message Limit (lifetime)
Cornell Standard (Faculty / Staff / Retirees / Retired Faculty / Affiliates)50,000
Sponsored NetID and Temporary Staff25,000
There are also weekly limits to how many invitations individual accounts and the university can send. The individual limits are controlled by Cornell and the university levels are controlled by the vendor, and they are both may be evaluated on request. If you are planning to send a very large mailing, it may take a few days to get the system set up for it. If you are planning to send more than 2,500 invitations, contact CIT using the Qualtrics support form.


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