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Cornell University

Human Participants Research Requires Approval

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

Without exception, all human participant research conducted by Cornell University investigators, students, and staff, and any others conducting research at Cornell or using Cornell resources, must receive prior approval of Cornell University's Institutional Review Board (IRB). 

To determine whether or not your research requires review and approval by the IRB, see the decision tree, Does Your Project Require an Application to the Cornell IRB Office? (linked under Do I Need IRB Approval?, a PDF published by Cornell's Office of Research Integrity and Assurance. Visit the IRB website for more information.

Any downloading of sensitive data from Qualtrics may only go to a computer, device, or server that is approved to handle it. Personally owned computers and devices may not be used, and work computers should be enrolled in Certified Desktop.  



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