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Cornell University

Spirion (formerly Identity Finder)

Spirion (formerly Identity Finder) scans your hard drive, website, or other collection of files to identify confidential data, such as Social Security, credit card, or bank account numbers. When the scan is complete, it produces a list of files that may contain confidential data.

Cornell faculty and staff who are interested in Spirion for their Cornell-owned computers should contact their local IT staff.
Cornell IT Service Groups that want to deploy Spirion to their end users should contact


For details about privacy policy governing this service, visit Certified Desktop Privacy Policy.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Open a ticket (24x7 support)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support


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At Cornell we value your privacy. To view
our university's privacy practices, including
information use and third parties, visit University Privacy.