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Cornell University

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Secure Connect uses Beyond Identity to provide passkey login for staff and faculty at Cornell. Instead of using your NetID and password to access a web-based service, with Secure Connect you will use your biometrics to unlock a passkey stored on your device. It's another way to reduce the chances…
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit.
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit.In order to configure your TSM client for Macintosh to prompt before starting a backup, add the following processing option…
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit.In order to configure your Macintosh to sleep upon completion of a backup, add the following processing option to the dsm.…
From the Mail menu, select Settings...Click Composing in the toolbar.From the Message Format dropdown list, select either Plain Text or Rich Text (HTML).Close the Composing dialog box.You can switch to a different format for an individual message by…
Mail doesn’t have a built-in auto-reply feature, but Mail users can set up an out-of-office message using Outlook on the Web.
We recommend using the Outlook on the Web settings for filtering junk mail, as they are processed on Microsoft’s servers. This means that they will be consistently applied no matter what client or app you use to read your mail. Automatic filtering is on by default.In addition, Mail can help you…
Depending on whether this is the first time you've started Mail, or the first time you've set up an account, some of these steps may appear in slightly different order. The information you enter on each screen remains the same. If you need assistance, please first update to the latest version of…
User Experience While using Mail (Apple's email client) to access an EGA, I get prompted repeatedly for my password, over and over again. How to Solve this Problem There is no current solution to this problem. The workaround is to use Outlook on the Web to access the EGA, or another…
Onboarding is the process of bringing a unit or department into the Endpoint Management Tools service. (It does not refer to the state of individual computers.) In order for the Endpoint Management Tools service to work properly in your environment, the CIT Desktop Engineering team needs to work…
To uninstall Spirion, drag the Spirion Application Bundle into the Trash. If you reinstall Spirion again later, all previous custom Preferences and licensing/activation information will be intact.Alternatively, right-click (or ctrl-click) the application and select Move to Trash.
Shredding files in Spirion permanently removes them from your machine. You cannot recover shredded files.
Your list of possible confidential data matches may include "false positives." A false positive is something that looked like confidential data to Spirion, but is not. You can ignore false positives. They will be skipped in future scans (unless they are changed).
Is it Confidential Data?ActionDetailsStep-by-StepNoIgnoreThe match was a false positive.
You can use Spirion to scan the following:External hard drivesThumb drivesCDs and DVDsMounted encrypted volumes (for example, FileVault volumes)Some unit/department have optional policies in place; scanning may not be available in some locations. If you are scanning a folder on a server, you…
Spirion is a tool to help you locate stored confidential data, but you’ll need to work through the results before you can be sure your machine is in compliance with University policy and local practices. Spirion is configured to run automatically, but you can also perform manually-triggered scans.
For help installing or using Spirion, contact your local technical support provider or the IT Service Desk.For general questions about data discovery tools, process, or issues:
Deal With Automated ResultsWindows: Handle Scan ResultsMac: Handle Scan Results
As you create a meeting invitation you are able to see whether others are free or busy, but you aren’t able to see any other information about their schedule (such as the meeting title, who is invited, or where it’s taking place).
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit. If you believe you have a business reason to install or update EZ-Backup, please contact the EZ-Backup team.

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