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Cornell University

Certified Desktop

Protect your users and their data

CIT offers a suite of security tools to safeguard users' data through cloud backup, malware protection, and confidential data identification.

How can Cornell help you protect your computer in the face of mounting online threats? With Certified Desktop, CIT works with your department’s IT staff to make your computer safer.

What Is Certified Desktop?

Certified Desktop is a package of security tools intended to promote the adoption of effective data security measures and policies on campus.

This service for faculty and staff consists of a suite of state-of-the-art security tools. Data security is a priority at Cornell, as outlined by University Policy 5.10, and Certified Desktop helps campus users better meet these goals for protecting their important files, data, and research.

  • CrashPlan (formerly Code42) cloud backup

  • CrowdStrike advanced endpoint protection with antivirus and anti-malware

  • Spirion confidential data identification tool

  • Endpoint Management Tools for automated asset management and patch deployment

  • TeamDynamix will be used to track and store endpoint configuration information. CIT will provide customized endpoint management tools to automatically update endpoint information.

Why Certified Desktop?

Once installed, Certified Desktop helps ensure that you never lose your data again, even if your computer is lost, and that malware cannot infect your computer or hold your files hostage.

Certified Desktop is licensed through campus academic and administrative departments. As an incentive to improve data security, these protections are offered at a significant discount to units that reach the goal of 75 percent compliance with data security goals.

Some units have already signed up for Certified Desktop and are beginning to roll out protections for users' desktop and laptop computers. Your department may be one of them. If not, ask your local technical support provider to contact CIT for more information--and more protection from online threats.


For details about privacy policy governing this service, visit Certified Desktop Privacy Policy.


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