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Cornell University

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Secure Connect uses Beyond Identity to provide passkey login for staff and faculty at Cornell. Instead of using your NetID and password to access a web-based service, with Secure Connect you will use your biometrics to unlock a passkey stored on your device. It's another way to reduce the chances…
In an effort to reduce EZ-Backup storage charges, some users choose to back up only the folders that contain user documents. This method has serious repercussions in situations such as hard drive failures or lost systems, since operating system and application files can no longer be restored via EZ…
The instructions on this page are based on the IBM documentation TSM client for Windows v7.1.The following assumes that the TSM client on the system was installed using the EZ-Backup installer, or using an installation method developed in conjunction with the EZ-Backup team.The necessary steps…
This process assumes that the TSM client software was installed using the documentation and installer provided by the EZ-Backup Service.
TSM generates an error log file containing any errors generated by the Tivoli Storage Manager application and services.By default, you'll find the scheduler log in the following location:C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log
If you are using Microsoft Outlook as your mail client, and you are storing mail on your system, (which means your messages are stored in .pst files on your system, you need to be aware that the TSM client may not consistently backup these files; Outlook can be changing these files while the TSM…
This page is intended for IT support professionals. End users should contact local IT support.
This page is intended for IT support professionals. End users should contact local IT support. This page provides configuration information regarding hardware, software, and security standards for the Endpoint Management Tools service. Hardware Endpoint Management Tools is designed to work…
This page is intended for IT support professionals. End users should contact local IT support.Once the client is installed on a workstation, the workstationsends inventory data to the CM Current Branch servers andcan be managed via the console.We suggest that you copy the GPOs listed on this…
This page is intended for IT support professionals. End users should contact local IT support. The CM2012 Console is your interface for Endpoint Management Tools for Windows. After your AD group has been given access to CM2012 Console, your techs can use the console to
Onboarding is the process of bringing a unit or department into the Endpoint Management Tools service. (It does not refer to the state of individual computers.) In order for the Endpoint Management Tools service to work properly in your environment, the CIT Desktop Engineering team needs to work…
For help installing or using Spirion, contact your local technical support provider or the IT Service Desk.For general questions about data discovery tools, process, or issues:
Deal With Automated ResultsWindows: Handle Scan ResultsMac: Handle Scan Results
When you redact (sometimes called scrubbing) files in Spirion, the original file is saved in the original location, but the instance of confidential data is masked. For example, where a Social Security number is redacted, you’ll see something like “XXXXX1085.”Redacting does not erase the file and…
Shredding Files in Spirion permanently removes the files from your computer. You cannot recover shredded files.
Your list of possible confidential data matches may include “false positives.” A false positive is something that looked like confidential data to Spirion, but is not. You can ignore false positives. They will be skipped in future scans (unless they are changed).
After the scan is finished, you’ll need to look at each possible match and decide how to handle it.
You can use Spirion to scan the following:External hard drivesThumb drivesCDs and DVDsMounted Disk Images (servers mapped to a drive letter on your machine)Some unit/department have optional policies in place; scanning may not be available in some locations. If you are scanning a folder on a…
Spirion is a tool to help you locate confidential data on your machine, but you’ll need to work through the results before you can be sure your machine is in compliance with University policy and local practices. Spirion is configured to run automatically, but you can also perform manually-…
As you create a meeting invitation you are able to see whether others are free or busy, but you aren’t able to see any other information about their schedule (such as the meeting title, who is invited, or where it’s taking place).

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