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Cornell University


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Detailed information on Cornell’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions can now be found at the PeopleSoft Operations webpage. (Access requires Cornell Google Workspace account and appropriate access rights.)
PeopleSoft Production Application Support Contact CIT PeopleSoft Support Email CIT PeopleSoft Support at This will create a support ticket and alert the PeopleSoft support staff. CIT's PeopleSoft Support Line can be contacted by calling 607-…
Cornell’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions migrated to Cornell’s Amazon Web Services in March 2022.
Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system is a comprehensive suite of solutions that Cornell uses to manage the student lifecycle. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions is used from recruiting and admissions to student services and alumni relations.   Campus Community Campus Community is comprised…
To use CU VPN with Cornell campus networks and services, you must use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN software. Built-in Windows and macOS software will not work. Supported operating systems: Windows 10 macOS, the current version and the two previous versions iPhone and iPod Touch (…
Apple: The AnyConnect mobile client is available for free from the Apple App Store. Android: The AnyConnect mobile client is available for free from the Google Play Store. Install and Configure Install the AnyConnect client app. Open the AnyConnect app. If you see a message asking if you…
To use Cornell's Virtual Private Network (VPN) with campus networks and services, you must use Cisco Secure Client VPN software. See the How to Install Cisco VPN Software page for instructions.
To use Cornell's Virtual Private Network (VPN) with campus networks and services, you must use Cisco Secure Client VPN software. See How to Install Cisco VPN Software for instructions.
To use Cornell's Virtual Private Network (VPN) with campus networks and services, you must use Cisco Secure Client VPN software. See the How to Install Cisco VPN Software page for instructions.
You must have administrative privileges to install the CU VPN software on your computer. After you install the Secure Client, the software will be upgraded to newer versions automatically. Allow the client to upgrade when it requests permission. Enter the following:
You must have administrative privileges to install the CU VPN software on your computer. After you install the Cisco Secure Client, the software will be upgraded to newer versions automatically. Allow the client to upgrade when it requests permission. Enter the following:
You must have administrative privileges to install the CU VPN software on your computer. After you install the Secure Client, the software will be upgraded to newer versions automatically. Allow the client to upgrade when it requests permission. Enter the following:
The CIT Billing Office supports...
Browser Compatibility & Issues Access to online bills & reports is through a web-based interface. The following browsers are officially supported by the billing solutions vendor: IE 6.0 or higher (Windows only) Firefox 1.0 or higher Safari (Macintosh only) is not officially supported…
Report outputs come from a number of sources.
In addition to the individual CIT Services Report, which single users view for their own services, there are a number of other reports to help departments manage voice and data services overall. Individuals who have access to the Kuali Financial System (KFS), a financial management platform for…
Access to billing information is available at CIT Services Bills & Reports. In the left navigation column, click Reports, then click Outputs.
Capture(d) Capturing a report means defining a set of report parameters for a published report. You can then use the captured report to create output in two ways: by running the report when you need it, or by scheduling the output on a regular basis. Department Subscriber For each account number…
If you're planning to use CU VPN when you're traveling, it's a good idea to try a test run before you go. Using the computer you're taking on your trip, connect to CU VPN or to your departmental VPN. You can complete this test from:
Note: If you would like to run separate reports for each account or department, see the Scheduling Multiple Reports page. How to Schedule Reports Access to billing information is available at CIT Services Bills & Reports.

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