Content (165)
Google Workspace (previously known as G Suite) users can change their display name (your name as seen by people to whom you send email). If you want to edit your display name, or if you are seeing an incorrect name and want to fix it, walk through the procedures listed below. Your name can be…
If you choose to forward your email, you do so at your own risk.
Everything on this page could be placed in boxes with exclamation points and other attention-getting devices. But, at a bare minimum, please read this: If you choose to forward your email, you do so at your own risk.
Some (…
Faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and professional students, and retirees are initially set up with Microsoft 365 email accounts. By default, you access these accounts through an email client like Outlook, Apple Mail, or Outlook on the Web.
Undergraduates begin at Cornell with…
This article distinguishes between email servers and email programs (email programs are also called email clients or apps). Cornell’s email server is Exchange 2010 from Microsoft. Email clients are programs such as Outlook, Mail, and Thunderbird that run on your desktop or mobile phone, and…
Open the message.
Click the small, downward-facing arrow next to the Reply arrow icon near the top right of the message window, just under the Subject of the message.
Select Show original. A separate window will open, showing a few summary rows at the top, then the complete…
Spam makes up more than two-thirds of all email traffic. Every email in the world passes through a gauntlet of junk mail / spam filters designed to protect recipients from all that spam.
With so much complexity, it’s inevitable that the occasional message will be misjudged. Take these two…
Free Up Space
If your problem is that your storage space is full, the first step is to empty the trash.
Log in to Google Photos using your Cornell ( account.
In the left sidebar, click Trash.
Near the top of the page, click Empty trash.
Transfer OneDrive Data to Another Person or GroupThe simplest method to copy your OneDrive data to one or many others is to create a team in Teams. Add each person who needs access as a member of the team. Then move the files to the new team.
A project has begun to make the IT@Cornell website easier and better to use, more accessible, and provide the benefits of updated web framework technology. IT@Cornell averages more than 350 thousand visits per month and contains more than three thousand knowledge, news, and service…
Once disabled, any email sent to your Cornell email accounts will bounce, and you will not be able to access any mail currently in your mailbox. You will no longer be able to use your Cornell email address for password recovery.
All of these services will be affected as a result of…
Only a list administrator can view a list’s membership.
Delete One Member
Delete Multiple Members
Only list administrators may delete (also called remove and unsubscribe) members other than themselves from an e-list.
Delete with Email Commands
To remove multiple members from a list, send an email message to
where listname is the name of the…
Only list administrators may delete (also called remove and unsubscribe) members other than themselves from an e-list. Are you looking for how to remove yourself from a list?
Delete with Email Commands
Send an email message to
Looking for how to subscribe yourself to an e-list?
Add One Member
Only list administrators may add members (other than themselves) to an e-list. See Join an E-list if your want to be added yourself.
Add Members via Lyris Web Interface
With this method of entering many members at once you will only enter email addresses, not members’ names.
You can add many members to a list by importing a simple spreadsheet. This article covers the ways to prepare your list of names (exporting from another list or creating the spreadsheet from scratch), and then how to import that document into the desired Lyris e-list.
One of the ways you can configure your Lyris-based list determines who is allowed to join. There are three options:
Add Via Email Commands
Looking for how to subscribe yourself to an e-list?
Only list administrators may add members (other than themselves) to an e-list.
To add a member to a list, send an email message to
Alumni are not included in the Cornell Zoom license. But they can join meetings and webinars.