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Cornell web content managers who monitor the accessibility of their sites can influence the Siteimprove platform by taking a short survey.
“Siteimprove was made available when the university web accessibility program began in 2018, to help website administrators identify and fix accessibility bugs on their sites,” said Annie Heckel, the Electronic Information Technology Accessibility Manager in CIT’s Custom Development team.
“We helped content managers across the university embed website accessibility practices and adopt tools to assist with these operations. Siteimprove has been a valuable resource, but technology changes rapidly,” she said. “This spring, the Web Accessibility team and other stakeholders decided to review our customers’ use and satisfaction with the platform, including the aspects of Siteimprove they spend the most time in.”
Heckel and her team created a short Qualtrics survey for customers to rate their experience with Siteimprove. In addition to evaluating current features, participants can request additional functionality.
“We hoped to learn if anyone had notable praise or complaints about Siteimprove’s current service offerings. But the early surveys have already proved helpful because they indicate a wide range of usage --from logging in multiple times each month to customers who login only once or twice a year,” said Heckel.
Early responses have also revealed the modules customers focus on most. In terms of importance, respondents have identified the Web Accessibility module as well as the Quality Assurance module, which highlights website problems that affect visitors' experience even though they aren't accessibility failures.
Heckel said, “Before we finalize our recommendations, we’d like to ensure that everyone who uses Siteimprove has the chance to add their own insights. To add your voice to the Siteimprove feedback, please take the short Qualtrics survey by March 15, 2024.”
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