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Cornell University

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New for Cornell Zoom Sessions: Activity Status of Breakout Room Participants

Starting Sunday, October 15, 2023, Zoom hosts and co-hosts who use breakout rooms will have the ability to view the activity level of participants in breakout rooms.

New, Faster Teams App Coming Soon

A new, faster Teams app will soon be available. New Teams will also streamline and focus the look and feel of notifications, search, messages, and meetings.

New SharePoint Community in Cornell Viva Engage

If you’re using SharePoint and want to ask a question or have a discussion with others at Cornell, there's a new community for you in the Viva Engage service: Microsoft SharePoint Users.

Safe Links And Marketing Emails

Safe Links, coming to Cornell in October, may affect how certain emails look as well as link statistics.

OneDrive Updated with People, Meeting, and Sharing-Based Organization, Plus Colored Folders

Cornell's Microsoft OneDrive file storage and collaboration service has experienced major improvements in speed, organization and personalization.

Business Analysis SIG - October Meeting Postponed

A new meeting date and time is forthcoming.

Strategic Storage Initiative Update

The Strategic Storage Initiative, launched in 2021, continues its efforts to provide services that meet Cornell's storage needs in a financially sustainable manner.

Two-Step Login (Duo) Introduces Muted Push Feature

Duo has introduced a feature designed to help users prevent “mobile push harassment.” Going forward, when a user marks an authentication request as fraudulent, Duo will temporarily mute push notifications for 20 minutes, eliminating harassment from repeated scam notifications.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Cornell

As Cornell continues to explore artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, here are some preliminary guidelines for using these rapidly evolving technologies in ways that uphold the university's core values of purposeful discovery and free and open inquiry and expression.

New IT@Cornell Website Launched September 25, 2023

The updated IT@Cornell website ( went live after the close of business hours on Monday, September 25, 2023. The launch concludes the new site project, which began late in 2022.

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