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Cornell University

Deploy a Task Sequence (Endpoint Management Tools - Windows)

This article applies to: Endpoint Management Tools

Once you have completed the steps in our Work with Task Sequences article, you need to deploy the task sequence to a collection containing the machines you would like to image. 

  1. In the CM2012 console, browse to the folder where your renamed copy of the task sequence is located.
  2. Right-click the task sequence, then select Deploy. The Deploy Software Wizard will launch.
  3. Next to Collection, click Browse.
  4. Select the collection containing the computer(s) you would like to image. NOTE: It is strongly recommended you never deploy task sequences or applications to your MasterWorkingCollection as this dynamically changes as new machines install the client and will cause a deployment to all your CM2012 clients. 
  5. Click Next.
  6. For Purpose, select Available or Required. We generally suggest Available, as making tasks sequences Required can force the machine(s) to image without any user intervention.
  7. For Make available to the following, select Configuration Manager clients, media, and PXE
  8. Click Next.
  9. Continue through the rest of the wizard, accepting all default values.


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