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Cornell University

View Shared Calendars (Outlook on the Web)

Use Outlook on the web to view a calendar that has been shared with you. This applies to both NetID accounts and Resource accounts.

This article applies to: Outlook on the Web , Resource Accounts

Open a Calendar on a New Browser Tab

With this method, you will need to repeat this procedure each time you open Outlook on the web and want to see this calendar again. This procedure only works after the other person has followed the steps in our Share Your Calendar article.

  1. Use your browser to go to the Outlook on the web login page: Note: If you type/tap the URL manually, be sure to use http, not https.
  2. Log in with your own address and NetID password.
  3. In the lower-left corner, click the Calendar icon.
  4. At the right end of the red, Cornell-branded Office 365 nav bar, click your photo (or your initials), then select Open another mailbox.
  5. In the small dialog box that opens, enter the name of the account or Resource Account. (Resource Account names do NOT include “ga.” at the beginning, nor the “” at the end. As you type, you’ll be shown matching entries.
  6. Select the correct one, then click Open. A new browser window or tab will open, showing the calendar for the selected account.

Open a Calendar as an Additional Item in the Left Navigation Panel

If the person whose calendar you want to view has not followed the steps in our Share Your Calendar article, you will see when the person is free and busy, but you will not see what they are doing (meeting titles) during their scheduled times.

  1. Use your browser to go to the Outlook on the web login page: Note: If you type/tap the URL manually, be sure to use http, not https.
  2. Log in with your own address and NetID password.
  3. In the lower-left corner, click the Calendar icon.
  4. In the left navigation column, click Import calendar.
  5. In the Import calendar window that opens, click From directory.
  6. Where it says Enter a name or email address, enter the name of the account or Resource Account. (Resource Account names do NOT include “ga.” at the beginning, nor the “” at the end. As you type, you’ll be shown matching entries.
  7. Select the correct one, then click Add.

The calendar you’ve selected will be displayed and its name will be added to the list of available calendars in the left navigation column. You can click the name to toggle between displaying the calendar and hiding it.

To remove a calendar from the list in the left navigation column, right-click (Mac: or ctrl-click) the calendar name, then select Remove.


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