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Cornell University

Connect to CU VPN with a Mobile Device

Connect to Cornell's VPN using Cisco Secure Client software.

This article applies to: CU VPN

  • Apple: The AnyConnect mobile client is available for free from the Apple App Store.
  • Android: The AnyConnect mobile client is available for free from the Google Play Store.

Install and Configure

  1. Install the AnyConnect client app.
  2. Open the AnyConnect app.
  3. If you see a message asking if you want to enable the software, click OK.
  4. If this is the first time you're using the app, tap Connections.
  5. Tap Add VPN Connection, then enter the following:
    • Description: CU VPN
      (The Description can be anything you like.)
    • Server address:
  6. Click Save.
  7. For VPN Connection, make sure the CU VPN profile you just created is selected.

Your CU VPN profile is now installed. Next, connect to the CU VPN service.

Connect to CU VPN

  1. If necessary, open the AnyConnect app.
  2. In Connections, verify that CU VPN is checked.
  3. Slide AnyConnect VPN to On.
  4. Enter the following:
    • Group:  Two-Step_Login (should be auto-selected)
    • Username: your NetID
      Or, to connect to a departmental VPN, enter your NetID followed by the departmental group name, for example,
    • Password: your NetID password
    • For DUO Passcode, enter one of the following options for how you will complete the Two-Step Login authentication:

      • push to send a login request to your smartphone or another mobile device.
      • phone to call you on your mobile phone or landline
      • SMS to receive a new set of passcodes. (You'll need to log in again.)
      • A passcode from a hardware token
        NOTE: First-time users will see a Second Password box while returning users will see a Duo (push/sms/phone) box.  
  5. Click Connect.

Your CU VPN session will remain connected until the session times out or AnyConnect is disconnected.


  1. If necessary, open the AnyConnect app.
  2. Slide AnyConnect VPN to Off.


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