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Cornell University

Zoom Rooms at Cornell

Zoom Rooms is software installed in classrooms, conference rooms, and other meeting spaces that allows audio conferencing, wireless screen sharing, and video conferencing. 

This article applies to: Classroom Technologies , Zoom

“Zoom Rooms” are a new dedicated classroom technology from Zoom that give instructors the option to better coordinate their visual collaboration—video screen sharing, whiteboards, and annotation resources—in a Zoom-enabled classroom. Zoom Room systems are being provided in spaces where instructors are teaching in-person with remote student participants.  

A typical Zoom Rooms setup, showing the touch panel controls, the Gallery View monitor, and instructor’s laptop.

Zoom Room systems differ from standard Zoom personal meeting setups. While the personal Zoom software allows instructors to schedule meetings, manage attendees, and share content, Zoom Rooms pull together the visual collaboration features of a teaching space into one application.  

Typical Campus Zoom Room Setup 

In a typical Cornell classroom use, the Zoom Room software runs on a dedicated computer in the teaching space.

Instructors connect their laptop to the classroom system using the labeled HDMI and USB cables provided.

Using Zoom Rooms, instructors have the ability to:  

View a list of all Zoom for Teaching pages.

Contact building AV support for your classroom with issues or questions about your particular teaching space.


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