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Cornell University

Get Started Computing with CITSG

This article applies to: Central IT Service Group (CITSG) Support

The IT@Cornell Staff IT Resources web page is a great resource to learn more about Cornell-specific tools and get information about a wide variety of IT topics.

Below is a brief set of additional IT-related topics and links you may also find helpful.

Get Help

Create a support ticket to request assistance using one of these options:

  • Go to Central IT Service Group (CITSG) Support and click on Get Help from CITSG (blue button). Select the type of help you need, then click on the link and fill out that specific online form.
  • Open a support request form by clicking:
    • the IT Service Request desktop icon on a Windows computer.
    • the IT Service Request link in the Self Service application on a Mac.
  • Call the Cornell IT Service Desk at 607-255-5500 (or 5-5500 on campus).

Applications Installed or Available to Install on Your Cornell Computer

CITSG Apps That are Pre-Installed or Available to Install on both Windows and Mac  

  • Certified Desktop and Device Management Apps 
    • CrashPlan - Lets you recover backed-up files.
    • Crowdstrike - Detects online threats and attacks against your computer. 
    • Altertus – Emergency Notification System 
    • Spirion - Identifies several types of confidential data on your computer. 
    • SecTeer - 3rd Party Application updates (Windows Only)
    • Dell Command Update/Monitor - Dell drivers and BIOS updates (Dell Only)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - PDF Viewer 
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop (License needed) – Photo and Video Editing 
  • Beyond Identity - Password authentication
  • BeyondTrust (Bomgar) Remote Assistance 
  • Box Drive - Cloud Storage 
  • Google Chrome – Web Browser 
  • Cisco AnyConnect VPN 
  • Mozilla Firefox – Web Browser 
  • Microsoft Office 365 - Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Teams, and Word. 
  • RingCentral - Cornell soft phone service
  • VLC Media Player 
  • Zoom – Web Meeting Tool 
  • PrinterLogic – Printer Management Tool 

How to Install Other Software

  • For security purposes, most people do not have administrative privileges on their computers. However, IT support staff will be able to install other software that you might need to do your job.
  • When your IT support staff provides you with software or program updates to add to your computer, you can use a special program to install them without administrative privileges or IT assistance:
    • In Windows, the Software Center application lists software available to install.
    • On Macs, the Self Service application lists software available to install.

Accessing Email

  • Cornell uses Microsoft Office and recommends the Microsoft email program Outlook for sending and receiving business email.
  • For the initial setup of your business email, simply open Outlook and follow the prompts.
  • Connect to Outlook on the Web from anywhere in the world, on any connected device, to access:
    • your Cornell email and calendar
    • online versions of the Microsoft Office 365 suite (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and OneNote)
  • To set up your email and calendar on a mobile phone or tablet, visit setup information for:

Useful Cornell Tools

  • Secure Connect Enables you to use your fingerprint or your facial features, instead of your NetID and password, to log in to services. Cornell is moving toward Secure Connect as an alternative to passwords to better protect the many sensitive systems used at the university.
  • Duo (Two-Step Login) To provide added security, Cornell requires Two-Step Login to access many sites and services. Visit Two-Step Login for information and instructions on how to enroll. Secure Cornell web services such as Workday and Box require Two-Step Login.
  • Box Box lets you store and share files to a cloud location. Access your Cornell Box account and shared files either from a web browser (log in at or using the Box application that can be installed on your computer.
  • Zoom Zoom is video conferencing software that all Cornell employees can access. Use it to schedule and conduct video or telephone meetings. Visit Zoom for more information.
  • VPN VPN stands for “virtual private network,” and you use the Cisco AnyConnect client to connect to Cornell’s VPN. When you connect remotely using the VPN, you have the same access to campus networks and resources as you would when connected on campus. The remote connection to Cornell services will also be secure—important when using public Wi-Fi networks in airports or hotels. This allows safe remote access to file sharing, printing, remote desktop, and many Cornell web-based services.


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