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Cornell University


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We recommend that you use Microsoft's Outlook App for iOS rather than iOS's native app. See Microsoft's Outlook App for iOS Mobile support page for download and setup instructions. In addition to the steps listed there, you will also see Cornell's NetID login screen.
Your department's HR representative should contact the IT Service Desk and explain the situation. The IT Service Desk will connect your Employee ID to your existing NetID and delete the new NetID. You can continue using your existing NetID. This will be easier if you do not activate the…
Students New students receive their NetID and activation code beginning in early April. During the activation process, they are introduced to policies governing the use of Cornell’s computing resources. They also activate their Cornell email address, set their NetID password, and choose their…
Members of the Cornell Community Students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The faculty and staff category includes full-time and part-time faculty; visiting faculty; professors emeriti; full-time, part-time, and temporary staff; and retirees who are receiving Cornell benefits. The student category…
A Network ID (or NetID) is a personal, unique identifier assigned to you. It consists of your initials followed by one or more numbers. You use it, along with a password, to obtain access to online services, such as email and administrative systems. A password is required with your NetID to ensure…
Office of IT Policy, contact through the IT Service Desk. Open to anyone, this office addresses electronic data, network and computing policies and coordinates communications among different University offices in the enforcement of electronic policies.
Refer to Cornell University Policy 6.4, Prohibited Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual and Related Misconduct, for obligations that apply in the Cornell employment setting. Unsolicited Email or Junk Email The amount of unwanted or unsolicited email (junk mail) has increased as more…
University-wide policies describe what activities constitute responsible use as well as violations. Following is more detail about some violations that IT@Cornell frequently gets questions about.
General Questions What services are included? See our List of Services page. Can I get information in real-time, for example, a call that was placed yesterday? No. Billing and reporting occur in monthly intervals. Bills are produced once per month, and all reports are static.…
University Policy 5.6, Recording and Registration of Domain Names, requires certain domain names to be registered or recorded in the Cornell Domain Name Registry. 
Instructor-led workshops and classes are offered on a variety of topics, including Office365 (Access, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, and Word), and Adobe Creative Cloud (Captivate, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop). IT professional technical courses on networking,…
Event Technical Support and Media Production services meet the audio-visual (AV) needs of events through a fee-based service. From webinar support to hybrid events, CIT has the staff, expertise, and equipment to meet your event's technical needs.
If you have questions or need technical support, please contact
Due to licensing restrictions, people using CU VPN may need to authenticate via CUWebLogin before accessing certain electronic resources provided by Cornell University Library. All links from the library website and catalog should automatically check for authentication and enable proxy access. See…
Site owners who opt to use the hosting solution through the Pantheon contract should have the technical knowledge and skills to create their own accounts, and build and maintain their own sites. Neither Pantheon nor CIT Hosting Services provide support for basic Drupal or WordPress questions, or…
On the Pantheon site, register for a free Pantheon developer account. We suggest you use your “” email address when creating your account.
In order to do maintenance or patching on an Acquia site, you must be a technical contact for the site. In addition, you'll need to do the following:
Support Options through Acquia Free support is included for issues related to the cloud environment. This free support does not apply to issues caused by Drupal code problems. Additional support, including Drupal application support, is available for an additional fee. You do not have to…
The Relationship between Cornell, Acquia, and You Your Responsibilities Managing the relationship with Acquia. Payment for the service. Completing technical tasks not covered by Acquia support.
Included Tools  Full Access Trial Access Acquia Insight Acquia Search Acquia SEO Grader Mollom Plus Lingotek New Relic Standard Visual Website Optimizer BlazeMeter Yottaa TraceView…

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