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Cornell University

Zoom Acceptable Use: Key Terms and Content

This article applies to: Zoom

Restricted and confidential information


  • Transcriptions are text records of the spoken content of a meeting or webinar. They may be recorded manually (by a human participant) or machine-generated. Transcriptions are intended to be a complete record of the audio content of the meeting or webinar.
  • In Zoom, transcriptions are always created when you start Zoom AI Companion (as a basis to generate the machine-generated meeting summary) and serve as the basis for the machine-generated highlights in a Zoom AI Companion smart (cloud) recording.
  • Transcriptions can also be started and saved outside the Zoom AI Companion process.
  • Machine-generated transcriptions and any materials based on transcriptions (e.g. meeting summaries and smart recordings) must always be reviewed for accuracy before being shared.


  • A video recording of a meeting or webinar captures both the audio and video content. In Zoom, hosts can create a recording located on their local device or on the cloud

Closed Captioning

  • Subtitled text generated from the meeting or webinar audio track which is intended to be read by participants on screen during the session. May be manual (transcribed by a human participant in the meeting) or automated (machine-generated).
  • Captioning is saved in a special file format that segments the transcribed text into “frames” tagged with video timing values.
  • Captions for cloud recordings that have been saved to Cornell’s Video on Demand service can be edited.
  • Captioning is not generally saved in a format that can be distributed.

Machine-generated or AI content

  • Machine-generated content is content that has been created by computer automation without human intervention. This content should always be reviewed by a human for accuracy before dissemination.

Meeting Summary (Zoom AI Companion)

  • When activated, Zoom AI Companion’s Meeting Summary creates a transcription of the meeting audio content and analyzes it to produce the actual meeting summary.
  • The application sends an email to the meeting owner with a link to the meeting summary text, located in their Zoom account in the Summaries section.
  • The meeting summary content can be reviewed, edited, and shared with other users from the Zoom website.

Smart Recording (Zoom AI Companion)

  • Zoom AI Companion can be used to create a Smart Recording, which creates a video recording (including audio) of the meeting with timed highlights, an accompanying transcription, and an audio recording file of the spoken content of the meeting.
  • The recording can be edited, and edited clips can be saved. Original or edited smart recordings can be shared with other users from the website interface.
  • At Cornell, cloud recordings—which include Zoom AI Companion Smart Recordings—are automatically saved to Cornell’s Video on Demand website.


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