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Cornell University

I Have a Problem with My NetID Password. What Should I Do?

I forgot my NetID password, or I never set one in the first place, or the system won't accept it or won't let me change it.

This article applies to: NetIDs

Cornell enforces strong encryption for all NetID passwords. Some NetID accounts that still use weak encryption will be blocked from logging to Cornell IT services until they use the Forgot your Password option on Manage Your NetID to recover their accounts.

Passwords are kept in an encrypted database and cannot be looked up by anyone – including Cornell IT administrators and support representatives.

If you have set a recovery email, you can go to Forgot Password page on the Manage Your NetID website to get an email sent to your recovery email address that contains a special link to reset your password.

If you have not yet set up a recovery email, but you previously set your password's security questions, you can go to the Forgot Password page to reset your password. This may require you to authenticate with Two-Step Login. If you have not yet done so, you are strongly encouraged to set up a recovery email address at your earliest convenience.

When Can I Not Use a Recovery Email Address?

This option is not available if any of the following happened:

  • You forgot your password and have not yet set a recovery email address.
  • Your account has been hijacked by a hacker who logged in as you and changed your password and recovery email address.
  • The IT Security Office determined that your password has been compromised, and scrambled it to stop further abuse. For more information and a possible automated recovery option, see If the Security Office Locks Your Account After Detecting It's Compromised.

In these cases, you will need to request a new activation code so that you can reset your password.

To make this request, contact the IT Service Desk to set up a video chat. During the chat, you will need to provide proof of identity: your Cornell ID card or your valid government-issued photo ID card, such as a driver's license or passport.

As soon as you have reset your password, if you have not already done so, you should consider setting up a recovery email address so that if you have trouble with your password again, you can set a new password yourself.


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