Change EZ-Backup Password (Mac)
This article applies to: EZ-Backup
- Start up the IBM Storage Protect Tools for Administrators application, which you'll find in the IBM Storage Protect folder in your Applications folder or on your Lanchpad.
- If prompted, enter your Mac admin password (not your EZ-Backup password).
- Under Which application, select IBM Storage Protect then click OK.
- If prompted, enter your current EZ-Backup password.
- From the Utilities menu, select Change Password.
- As prompted, type in your current password, then your new password twice.
- Click Change.
- Close the IBM Storage Protect application.
An IBM Storage Protect password must be 8 to 63 characters long. Valid characters are:
- Letters
(uppercase and lowercase are treated the same; these passwords are not case-sensitive) - Numerals
Most symbols:
~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = |
( ) { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? /
(not double quotes, single quotes, backslash)
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