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Cornell University

Onboarding Process for Units Adopting Certified Desktop

Onboarding is the process of bringing a unit or department into the Certified Desktop service.

This article applies to: Certified Desktop

This service is intended for IT support professionals. End users should contact local IT administrators about obtaining Certified Desktop.

After unit representatives have signed the Certified Desktop Memorandum of Understanding, members of the CIT Desktop Engineering team will work with unit technical support providers to ensure that the unit IT environment and the Certified Desktop service are configured to be compatible. CIT Desktop Engineering will then gather information necessary to develop a short plan of action for deployment of the Certified Desktop component services. This is your "onboarding plan."

The end result of the process is that the IT staff responsible for your unit will be able to administer the component services of the Certified Desktop suite successfully to meet the agreed-upon security goals for your unit’s workstations.


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