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Cornell University

Zoom Host vs. Co-host

This article applies to: Zoom

What is the difference between a host and a co-host?

A host is the “owner” of a meeting or webinar and is the person who can administer the meeting via the host controls. The host is the only person who can end a meeting or make someone else the host.

A co-host is an optional role that can be assigned to someone to assist the Host in moderating a meeting. A co-host can use most of the Host Controls including Mute/Unmute All, Lock Screen sharing, Mute on Entry, Play Enter/Exit Chime, Lock Meeting, Stop Video, Rename, Remove, and Start Attendee on hold. Making someone a co-host does not remove the host role from the current host. A co-host cannot end the meeting or make another user the host.

Can someone outside the Cornell community be a host?

A Cornell NetID is required to set up a webinar or meeting, but once invited to an existing meeting anyone can be made a host, co-host, or presenter. For webinars, any viewer can be promoted to panelist and then made a host.

Can someone outside the Cornell community be a co-host?

Once invited to an existing meeting, anyone can be made a co-host. Any viewer in a webinar can be promoted to panelist, and then made a co-host. More information can be found on Zoom’s How Do I Use Co-Host page. 


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