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Cornell University

Video Won’t Play on a Wikispaces Page

How to troubleshoot Video on Demand media that won’t play on a Wikispaces page

This article applies to: Video on Demand

On This Page

User Experience

After embedding the Video on Demand code on a page in Wikispaces, you find that the video doesn’t embed properly.

How to Solve this Problem

The work-around is to manually edit the embed code to remove three elements:

  • xmlns:dc=“url”
  • xmlns:media=“url”
  • rel=“media:video” resource=“url”

Each is followed by a URL, which must also be removed.

These parameters can usually be found in the first “<object>” element, after the height and width values, and before the “data” element.

For example, in the code below, you would remove everything that appears in red:


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