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Cornell University

I Can’t Upload an “m4v” Video in Video on Demand

How to troubleshoot m4v upload issues in Video on Demand

This article applies to: Video on Demand

User Experience

I’m trying to upload a video in the m4v format, but it doesn’t appear when I’m selecting the file to upload.

How to Solve this Problem

The m4v video file format is specific to Apple iTunes and is not supported for upload as this format often includes DRM copyright protection. If you are certain that your video does not include DRM protection and does not otherwise violate the copyright terms of use, you can try this workaround:

  1. Make a copy of your file. This is important!
  2. Change the file extension from “m4v” to “mp4” on the copy you just made.
  3. Upload the renamed (mp4) file.
  4. Once the file has finished uploading and converting, check to make sure the audio and video are still good.

If this method doesn’t work, you could try using a video converter utility to create a copy of your file in another format. (CIT has no particular recommendations to make on these utilities.)

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

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