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Cornell University

Use Channels in Video on Demand

How to Use Channels in Video on Demand

This article applies to: Video on Demand

Channels are collections of your content and may contain video, audio, and image files. You may create many channels and duplicate content in channels. A channel’s thumbnail image that is displayed in the Channels tab is created from the most recently added media and updates periodically.

Only members of the Cornell community may view non-Public channels. Viewers will be required to log in to those channels with their NetID and password. After logging in, a viewer will see only the list of channels they have permission to see.

Controlling Access to Channels using Privacy Settings

When you create a channel, you may restrict access using one of the following options. We recommend setting your channel's privacy setting, at the minimum, to the Restricted level.

  • Open: The content in the channel can be viewed by those who are logged in with Cornell credentials. Content may not be contributed by viewer-role users.
  • Restricted: As with the Open setting, viewers must log in with Cornell credentials. However, Restricted allows members with a Contributor, Moderator, or Manager permission level to add media to the channel. This is the minimum recommended privacy setting for channels.
  • Private: Access to the channel is restricted to members of the channel. Only viewers who have been granted access to the channel will see the channel in the Channels page.
  • Shared Repository: Only channel members can view and contribute content. Content may be published to other channels, according to publishing entitlements.
  • Public, Restricted: Anyone can view content in the channel, including anonymous users who are not logged in with Cornell credentials. Only channel members can contribute content, according to their entitlements.
If you set a channel to Public, Restricted, your content will be available to everyone. Use with caution.

Viewing Channels

Anyone with a NetID and password may open the Channels page. After logging in, a viewer will be able to see a list of all channels that they have permission to view. Note that this automatically includes all Open and Restricted channels.

Clicking on the thumbnail for a channel will take you to the channel’s page where you will see a list of all the media in the channel. You may sort by the date the file was added to the channel or alphabetically by media name. You may also view all media or only media that are video, audio, or image files. Note: the webcast file type is not currently in use.

If you have upload permissions for the channel, you will also see an + Add Media button. This button is not displayed for viewers who don’t have permission to add content to the channel.

On the channel’s page, a summary pane on the right shows the current thumbnail, the number of media entries, the number of members, and the list of managers with links to the managers’ email addresses. Note that the thumbnail image is loaded from the most recently added media and is updated periodically.

Viewing Media in a Channel

After you open a channel, click the thumbnail for the media you wish to view and the media will play in a new page.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
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