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Cornell University

Use Playlists

After you upload media, you can create a playlist containing your media and embed the playlist with a media player on your own website. You can create multiple playlists and include media in more than one playlist.

This article applies to: Video on Demand

Create a New Playlist

After logging in to Video on Demand, open your My Media page from the user dropdown menu or the horizontal navigation bar.

Playlist names cannot be changed. If you need to change a playlist name, you must delete the playlist then create a new one with the new name.
  1. In your My Media page, select the media to include on the playlist. Click the checkboxes next to the item(s) to select the media.
  2. After you have selected all the media to add to the playlist, click Actions, then + Add to playlist.

    Video on Demand Actions dropdown menu
  3. A new page opens. If you have already created playlists, the playlists will also be displayed in this window. Type your playlist name in the field labeled Create New Playlist. Click Create.
  4. Your new playlist is shown, already selected, in the list of your playlists. (You may need to scroll down to see the new playlist name if you have a large number of playlists.) Click Save to create the playlist.
  5. To work with the playlist or obtain a playlist embed code, click Go to My Playlists or select My Playlists from the user dropdown menu. See Embed Playlist in a Webpage or Manage Playlist, below, for additional instructions on working with playlists.

Embed Playlist in a Webpage

  1. If necessary, log in to Video on Demand.
  2. Click your user name to open the menu, then click My Playlists.

    Video on Demand main user dropdown menu
  3. Select a playlist title. The page displays the media in the selected playlist.
  4. Click Embed ().

      Video on Demand playlist listing showing Embed link
  5. HTML embed code is shown in a field above the playlist contents. Select either Horizontal or Vertical orientation for the playlist appearance. The code will be generated to match the option you select. 
    Video on Demand playlist embed code options
  6. Click on the embed code to highlight it, then right-click or ctrl-click the code and select Copy from the pop-up menu.
  7. Paste the playlist embed code into your webpage.

Manage a Playlist

  1. If necessary, log in to Video on Demand.
  2. Select My Playlists from the main user dropdown menu.
  3. Select a playlist. The page displays the media in the selected playlist. You may:
    • Change the order of media by dragging items up or down within the list using the drag handle (which looks like a rectangle of six squares).

      Video on Demand playlist item move icon
    • Delete an item from the playlist by clicking the X on the right of the item. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the item.

      Video on Demand - delete playlist media item icon
  4. Click Save Changes.

Delete a Playlist

  1. If necessary, log in to Video on Demand.
  2. Select My Playlists from the main user dropdown menu.
  3. Select a playlist. The page displays the media in the selected playlist.
  4. Click the Delete (trashcan) icon to the right of the playlist name. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the playlist.

    Video on Demand playlist delete icon

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