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Cornell University

Manage Channel Content

How to add or remove content from a channel in Video on Demand

This article applies to: Video on Demand

Add Content to a Channel

  1. Open the channel that you wish to add content to.
    • To add media to one of your channels, click the user drop-down menu and select My Channels. Click the channel’s thumbnail to open the channel.

    • To add media to a channel you are not the owner of but have permission to add content to, click the Channels Tab on the main navigation bar. Then click the channel’s thumbnail to open the channel.

      Main Channels  
  2. Click the +Add to Channel button. The Add Media to Channel window will open and display all the media you own along with sorting options.
Note: the +Add to Channel button is only displayed if you are the owner of the channel or have Contributor or higher permissions for a channel you are not the owner of.
  1. Select the media to add to the channel by clicking the checkbox(es) next to the media thumbnails. To add all media to the channel, click the checkbox at the top of the list.
  2. Once you’ve selected the media to add to the channel, click the +Publish button. The entries you selected will be added to the channel and the main Channel page will be displayed where you will see the added entries.
You may also add media to a channel when working with a media file. Click the Actions button, then Publish to select the channel.

Remove Content from a Channel You Own

  1. Open the channel that you’re modifying. Click the user menu and select My Channels.
  2. Locate the media item to remove from the channel. 
    • In the Grid view, hover over the media item’s thumbnail, then click the More menu icon (three dots). Click the Remove from channel icon (x in a circle).
    • In the Detailed view, at the right side of the media listing, click the Remove from channel icon (x in a circle).
  3. Click Remove.
  4. When prompted to confirm that you want to remove the item, click Remove.

Remove Content from a Channel You Do Not Own

To remove media that you own from a channel that you don’t own, you must first modify your media file’s publishing options.

  1. Open your My Media page.
  2. Find the media item to remove from the channel.
  3. Open the media item by clicking on the item’s thumbnail.
  4. Click the Actions button, then Publish.
  5. Under Publish in Channel, deselect the channel where the item currently appears and where you wish to remove the item.
  6. Click Save. The item is removed from the channel. 

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