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Cornell University

Install the Remote Desktop Client App for Mac

This article applies to: Azure Virtual Desktop

Download and Install Client App

  1. In a web browser, go to the Remote Desktop Client Installer page.
  2. Click Get.

  3. After the app installed, use Finder to launch Microsoft Remote Desktop.

    You can also launch Microsoft Remote Desktop from the Go menu by clicking Applications, then Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Configure the Remote Desktop App for Mac

  1. Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app.
  2. Click the Workspaces tab at the top of the app window. Then click Add Workspace.

  3. In the Add Workspace window, type
    into the first field, then click Add.

  4. In the Pick an account window, click the account for your Cornell NetID email address ( If you do not see your NetID address, click Use another account and type your Cornell email address.

  5. Continue to sign in using your Cornell NetID email address ( and password, then click Sign in. (Authenticate with Two-Step Login if requested.)
  6. Wait for the connection to be made, then at Notification Center, select Allow Notifications (this is recommended).

  7. The Microsoft Remote Desktop app will load workspaces available to you and notify you if there are new ones.

    If you see the New Workspace Available alert, click Download now to load all available workspaces.

    If the process of connecting to and setting up a workspace fails to complete during authentication with Two-Step Login, click Cancel and then start the process again from the beginning of these instructions.
  8. To launch a workspace or service, double-click its icon.

    Sign in to the individual service by entering your Cornell NetID email address ( and password. Connecting may take as much as thirty seconds.

  9. Once a connection is established, on your first launch it make take up to 3 minutes for your Windows Virtual Desktop to fully load and present the desktop.

If you display the Remote Virtual Desktop client app full screen, it will be shown on all available monitors.

For additional information, visit Microsoft's page Get started with the macOS client.


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