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Cornell University

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If you have an AD group you keep up to date and want to sync those changes to one or more Microsoft Teams teams that you manage, you can submit a request to Link Team Membership to an Existing AD Group.Once approved, this will sync the team membership, both adding and removing members, with the AD…
It's now possible to rename the General channel that is included in every team in Microsoft Teams. This change removes a problem for teams who want all channels defined in order to avoid confusion about where messages should be posted.  
Cornell’s AI Initiative supports university faculty, staff, and students as they explore models to optimize the use of generative AI for practical purposes. On January 22, 2025, eight local teams stunned a hybrid audience with presentations proving generative AI applications could simplify and…
Regularly check files stored in collaboration services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Box to make sure that:You have the right level of sharing on your files, and access is only extended to individuals who should see them.Others' files are not shared to you by someone who has left. Those…
Microsoft has announced that soon the capabilities of Microsoft Project for the web will be part of Planner Premium. This change follows the recent unification of the standard features of Planner and Microsoft To Do in Planner Basic, available to all Cornell Microsoft 365 users. Planner Premium and…
In a fast-paced stream of presentations, Cornell faculty, staff, and students showcased their use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to solve unique challenges they faced in their courses and work on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
In October 2024, many files shared from OneDrive accounts whose owners left Cornell went into read-only mode. Since then, individuals still at Cornell who have access to the files have been able to view or download them, but not edit them.The week of February 17, 2025, the defunct accounts and the…
On the afternoon of October 15, 2024, concurrent breakout sessions engaged the Emerging Tech Dialogue participants in conversations about coming changes as well as how to approach and navigate the people-side of change, also known as organizational change management. 
Near the end of October 2024, Cornell Microsoft 365 accounts owned by someone who has left will become read-only, as a step toward eventual deletion. The past owners of these accounts have not been able to access them since they left. However, it's possible that some files in the accounts' OneDrive…
DescriptionTo put Cornell at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence innovation, as well as provide tools that allow faculty and staff to realize time and effort savings, Cornell needs AI tools that allow its constituents the opportunity to manipulate protected data (as defined by University…
Microsoft Teams is an important collaboration tool for many at the university, but if you’re not careful, you could lose important information that you’ve shared with your team.
In order to achieve the ambitious goals Cornell has as a leading research institution in the nation and the world,  we need technology services that support our community.The Cornell Experience Modernization Initiative (CEMI) seeks to unify and improve the technology systems we use on all…
Starting in late September 2024, Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams that have had no activity for a year or more, and whose owners do not respond to warning notices, will start to be deleted. Any activity in the Group or Team from any member within thirty days of the owner receiving the deletion…
Two Google storage tiers planned and announced in 2022 will eventually be added for some alumni Google accounts. Alumni accounts with less than 4.5 Gigabytes (GB) of content will be given a quota of 5 GB. Accounts with more than 4.5 GB and less than 9 GB of storage will have a quota of 10 GB. This…
Microsoft Teams is the collaboration tool of choice for faculty and staff at Cornell, but it's not without its quirks. If Microsoft Teams notifications have been troublesome, it may be because your notifications are set to be too general. Getting constant updates about conversations that aren't…
Rob Vanderlan, Executive Director of the Center for Teaching Innovation, is no stranger to the disruption that generative AI tools can bring to a classroom.
Faculty, staff, researchers, and students are all invited to participate in a series of events where they can explore new technologies with their IT and ITS partners across campuses and focus areas.
At Cornell, there are two instances of Teams. One includes Ithaca and Cornell Tech, and the other includes Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar. If you use Teams to collaborate across campuses, you may have wondered how to set up a channel that allows everyone to interact…
On March 21, 2024, all individuals using Microsoft Teams on a Cornell account will default to the new Teams client. For some groups, the new Teams client is already the default experience. This change precedes the end of access to classic Teams in May 2024.
The timeline for retiring classic Teams has changed and more information will be available soon. All individuals using Microsoft Teams on a Cornell account are now able to try the new Teams client. You can

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