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Cornell University

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Regularly check files stored in collaboration services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Box to make sure that:You have the right level of sharing on your files, and access is only extended to individuals who should see them.Others' files are not shared to you by someone who has left. Those…
In October 2024, many files shared from OneDrive accounts whose owners left Cornell went into read-only mode. Since then, individuals still at Cornell who have access to the files have been able to view or download them, but not edit them.The week of February 17, 2025, the defunct accounts and the…
Near the end of October 2024, Cornell Microsoft 365 accounts owned by someone who has left will become read-only, as a step toward eventual deletion. The past owners of these accounts have not been able to access them since they left. However, it's possible that some files in the accounts' OneDrive…
On February 19, 2024, quotas will be added to Cornell Box and Microsoft storage accounts. The quotas will be set above current usage for all accounts, as was done when quotas were added to Google accounts in 2022.
Cornell's Microsoft OneDrive file storage and collaboration service has experienced major improvements in speed, organization, and personalization. OneDrive is integrated with Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft 365 services, and can be accessed through Microsoft Office apps or directly at onedrive…
This is part of a series of IT News articles about storage options available to Cornell faculty, students, and staff.
On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, storage caps were applied to faculty, student, and staff Cornell Google Drive accounts. The cap for each account is higher than the amount that was stored in Drive and allows some space for adding new content.
Cornell offers several options for cloud file storage on Microsoft platforms: OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams. If have a large amount of data to move into or out of Cornell systems, the options at Move Your Personal Data are a better fit.
If you need to move large amounts data (for example your entire email history or cloud storage drive), you should take advantage of one the robust tools available to Move Your Personal Data. If you have a small amount of data -- just a few files or folders -- then it may make sense to transfer…
Each time you connect to the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) environment, you will be connected to a different computer, so storing your files on the virtual system is not an option. To provide a consistent location for saving your files, AVD has been set up so that the files you save in the Desktop,…
In addition to the email and calendar services available to Cornell, Office 365 includes additional productivity and collaboration services.These include:FormsEasily create surveys, quizzes and polls.

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