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Cornell University

Assign Resource Account Roles via Exchange Account Manager

This article applies to: Resource Accounts

All Roles Except IT Staff

This section assumes you have already found the desired account, are on the Edit Account page, and are looking at the Roles section.

For a description of the various roles, see our Resource Account Terminology article.

To add a new person, enter their NetID in the Add new role NetID/Group Name field, then click anywhere on the page (outside the field). You'll see that person added to the list with no roles assigned. Click the checkbox(es) for the role(s) desired.

To modify a person's roles, simply check or uncheck the appropriate boxes.

To remove a person entirely, click Remove next to their NetID.

You cannot remove the owner. You must first assign the role of owner to someone else, then remove the owner role from the person you want to remove, then click Remove.

IT Staff

This section assumes you have already found the desired account, are on the Edit Account page, and are looking at the Optional IT Computer Support Staff section.

To add a new person to the IT Staff role, enter their NetID in the New TSP NetID field, then click anywhere on the page (outside the field). You'll see that person added to the list.

To remove a person, click Delete next to their NetID.


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