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Cornell University

Resource Account Roles and Terminology

Resource Account users can have with a variety of roles and privileges.

This article applies to: Resource Accounts

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Resource Account users can have with a variety of roles and privileges, assigned and maintained in the Exchange Account Manager (EAM) tool. Many Resource Accounts will not require all these roles.


The Requester is the person who fills in the request for the account. The Requester must be a currently employed staff, faculty, affiliate member, a current student who is acting on behalf of a "Registered Student Organization", or a retiree who is collecting retirement benefits. By default, the Requester is listed as the Sponsor and as an Owner, but the online tool allows the Requester to indicate that the request is being made on behalf of someone else, for example, an assistant setting up an account for a Director. If the Requester is a student, then a faculty or staff member must be listed as the Sponsor.


The person ultimately responsible for the account, and for seeing that all users of the account abide by University policy and applicable laws. The Sponsor must be a currently employed staff, faculty, or affiliate member. By default, the person requesting the creation of a Resource Account is the Sponsor, but the Requester can specify someone else to be the Sponsor. Every Resource Account has one and only one Sponsor, which is determined when the Resource Account is requested and cannot be changed. A Sponsor is granted Owner rights; if desired, the Sponsor's rights can be changed by any owner or administrator of the account.


An account can have one or more Owners, who have the right to add, delete, or modify all roles except Sponsor and Requester. Owners must have a valid Cornell NetID. Every Resource Account must have at least one Owner. Only Owners and Administrators can use the web-based Exchange Account Manager tool. 

When you assign the Owner role (using the Exchange Account Manager tool), the roles of Administrator, Send As, and Access are automatically added, although these can be removed individually if desired by any Owner, Administrator, or IT Staff.


An Administrator can add or delete any roles listed below this, but cannot add or delete other Administrators or higher roles. Administrators must have a valid Cornell NetID. An Administrator can modify lower-level rights for all roles, including Owners and Administrators. Only Owners and Administrators can use the web-based Exchange Account Manager tool.

When you assign the Administrator role (using the Exchange Account Manager tool), the roles of Send As and Access are automatically added, although these can be removed individually if desired by any Owner, Administrator, or IT Staff.

Send As

This right enables you to send mail from the Resource account; the account's email address will appear as the From and Reply-to fields in outgoing messages. Without this permission, people can only send as themselves, even if they are reading the group account mailbox.

When you assign the Send As role (using the Exchange Account Manager tool), the Access role is automatically added, although it can be removed if desired by any Owner, Administrator, or IT Staff.


This right gives you full control over reading, filing, and deleting messages in the Resource account mailbox, and the ability to add, modify, and delete entries on the account's calendar. Access to the mailbox and calendar does NOT require use of a shared password. Each user logs in with their own NetID password. See our client configuration pages for details.


Recipients receive, at their own email address, a copy of any mail sent to the Resource account, as if they were BCC'd on the original email. This provides a way to monitor an account mailbox without having to open it directly. The Recipient right (by itself) does not give the person the ability to see the account's mailbox, nor to "send as" the mailbox. A Resource account can have a maximum of ten Recipients.

  • An administrator for the resource account must use the Exchange Account Manager to grant Recipient rights.
  • The person given rights will receive the Resource Account's message without changing anything about their email client's configuration.

IT or Computer Support Staff (also called "IT Staff")

You can grant your IT support staff access to the Exchange Account Manager tool for your Resource account if you would like them to help you in managing it. These people do not automatically get access to read or send email from the account, though they do have sufficient privilege to add themselves to these roles. These people are also not listed as contact points for this account.

In effect, the IT or Computer Support Staff role allows someone to handle all the tasks of an Owner, without having any access rights to the mail itself.

Email Address

Each Resource account can have one or more email addresses. By default, an address based on the name of the account will be created, but you can request additional addresses while requesting the account creation or later.

Mail Store

This is the mailbox where, by default, messages sent to the Resource account's email address(es) are delivered. Everyone with Access rights can view the Mail Store.


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