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Cornell University

Dell Command Update

Dell Command Update alerts users to install BIOS, firmware, driver, and updates on Dell computers. It requires an Internet connection.

When updates are available, a small DellCommandUpdate dialog box will appear near your task bar. 

You also have the option to run this utility manually.

CIT strongly recommends:

  • Saving your work before installing updates.
  • Connecting to a power supply (not running on battery power).
  • Not turning off the computer until the updates finish.
  • Setting aside at least a half hour to do the updates. Not all updates will take this long to install, but some updates are quite large.
  • Installing updates within a week of notification. If it is not convenient to install updates when the alert appears, click Remind Later, but do not put it off forever.

The first time Dell Command Update runs, you may see a Welcome screen that asks if you want it to run automatically (once a month). Select Yes, then click OK.

If Dell Command Update is not installed on your computer, you may install it via Software Center. If that does not work, please contact your unit IT support for assistance.  

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Open a ticket (24x7 support)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support

Service Details:


System update software for Dell computers


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