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Cornell University


CrashPlan: Real-time Secure Backup and Recovery

  • Fast, encrypted file recovery

  • File archiving and versioning

  • Easy file migration to new computers

  • Straightforward legal hold process

CrashPlan provides secure, real-time backup, archiving, and versioning of files for Cornell computers. This helps protect users from ransomware attacks and fraud, and streamlines the process of transitioning files to a new computer. (Server backup uses the EZ-Backup service.)

CrashPlan is part of the Certified Desktop suite of security tools and can generally be found on university-managed computers.

Don't Have CrashPlan But Want to Get It?

  • End users interested in CrashPlan for their Cornell computer should reach out to a local technical support representative about the availability of the service for their unit.
  • Cornell unit IT staff who would like to bring CrashPlan to end users should ask their local IT Director or ITSG representative about getting Certified Desktop.
  • IT Directors or ITSG representatives can contact the IT Service Desk. Let them know what unit or department you are responsible for; this will start the process of connecting you with CIT staff who can help.
Cornell's implementation of CrashPlan requires authentication with Two-Step Login.


For details about privacy policy governing this service, visit Certified Desktop Privacy Policy.


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