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National Cyber Security Awareness Month: Tips for Your Family
This week, NCSAM content was focused on materials that can help coach family members on IT security.
Tips to Keep Your Personal Identity Safe
Online risks don't end when the work day does. Here are some tips to protect your personal identity and information, too.
Holiday Phishing Scams
This holiday season, watch out for email spam with subjects like:
- Holiday e-card
- Holiday sales/discounts/deals
- Travel notifications
Upcoming OU changes in Active Directory 9/20
In order to reflect organizational changes at Cornell, on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, there will be a number of OU changes in Active Directory which will affect user objects. These are all changes to the OU=Staff,OU=NetIDs,OU=CUniv,DC=cornell,DC=edu hierarchy.
FY17 Rate Changes for IT Services
Rate change information for FY17 for the following services: Shared File Services, Desktop Everywhere, Endpoint Management Tools, Managed AV, Custom Web Development, Voice and Data.
Tax Fraud Alerts
This time of year there are many tax-related scams consumers should be on the look out for.
AAUW-Cortland and Ithaca to host dynamic math and science program for girls
The Cortland and Ithaca branches of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) have been awarded a $5,000 grant to help fund Tech Savvy, a daylong event designed to show girls firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields can lead to exciting careers.
Watch Out for These Scams This Holiday Season
It's definitely the most wonderful time of the year for cyber scammers! Especially during the holidays, the Internet is a place where anyone can appear to be someone they are not, then disappear without a trace after perpetrating a crime.