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Cornell University

Upgrade to Storage Protect Client version 8.1 for Linux (EZ-Backup)

This article applies to: EZ-Backup

Use these installation instructions for the following Linux distros:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11, including SLES 11 level in Novell OES 11 and OES 2015. (Vendor documentation on the Novell OES environment)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop ( SLED ) 11
  • SLES 12
  • SLES 15 (beginning with version 8.1.6)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 or 7 for Servers or Desktop Editions
  • RHEL 8 for Servers or Desktop Editions (beginning with version 8.1.9)
  • RHEL 9 for Servers or Desktop Editions (beginning with version 8.1.15)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (beginning with version 8.1.6)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (beginning with version 8.1.10)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (beginning with version 8.1.15)

These instructions assume that anyone administering a Linux system is technically savvy.

These instructions also assume the language used by the client is English and the locale code is either en_US or EN_US.

This procedure requires that the computer is registered with the EZ-Backup service, and has an older version of the EZ-Backup client installed. If you do not have an earlier version installed, please use our Install instructions instead of these instructions.

The following instructions are the Cornell condensed version of the IBM/Tivoli process, which is documented in the Storage Protect for UNIX and Linux Backup-Archive Clients Version 8.1 Installation and User's Guide.

Review the README file for requirements (software and hardware) and limitations (filesystem types supported, known problems) and a list of changes since prior client releases. Pay particular attention to the upgrade considerations.

Upgrade Procedure

  1. Logon to system as root.
  2. Stop current processes.
  3. If your distro supports the "killall" command, use these commands: (sudo) killall dsmc (sudo) killall dsmcad
  4. If your distro does NOT support the "killall" command, use (sudo) systemctl stop The default service name is "dsmcad"; your system may use a different name.
  5. Check for previously installed packages with these commands: rpm -qa | grep TIV rpm -qa | grep gsk These commands will return some or all of the following packages. Note the version numbers.
    • TIVsm-BAcit..x86_64
    • TIVsm-BA..x86_64
    • TIVsm-APIcit..x86_64
    • TIVsm-API64..x86_64
    • gskcrypt64-.x86_64
    • gskssl64-.x86_64
  6. Uninstall each of the packages found, in the order listed, using these commands. Substitute the actual version number; do not include the angled brackets. Skip the uninstall command for an package that wasn't returned in the previous step. rpm -e TIVsm-BAcit..x86_64 rpm -e TIVsm-BA..x86_64 rpm -e TIVsm-APIcit..x86_64 rpm -e TIVsm-API64..x86_64 rpm -e gskcrypt64-.x86_64 rpm -e gskssl64-.x86_64
  7. Follow the install instructions in the Install the TSM client section of the fresh install instructions.
  8. (optional) Follow the instructions in the Configure the GUI (Java) Client section of the fresh install instructions linked in step 7.
  9. (optional) Follow the instructions in the Method 1 subsection of the Configure Automated (Scheduled) Backups section of the fresh install instructions linked in step 7.

Notes on Upgrade

Ensure that you install these packages in the given order. This is required because the API package is a prerequisite of the B/A Client package.

The Web Client is an integral part of the Backup-Archive Client package and cannot be installed without it.

Our beta testers discovered that doing an rpm "upgrade" - i.e., "rpm -Uvh" - fails, because a number of shared libraries in /usr/lib end up "missing". Thus the documented method of using "erase" (rpm -e) followed by "install" (rpm -i) as recommended by IBM. This has been reported to IBM, but no fix is anticipated.

Reviewing Backup-Archive Client Configuration

Validate the existing dsm.sys and dsm.opt files. (They are in the TSM home directory, /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/, and should have not been altered by the upgrade in any way). If you were using the VirtualMountPoint option as a workaround to backup EXT3 format filesystems in a previous version of TSM, these are no longer required and should be removed from your dsm.sys file.


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