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Cornell University

Troubleshooting: Temporary and Affiliate Employees Who Lose Access to Microsoft Office Desktop Apps

Temporary and affiliated Cornell employees who previously had been granted rights to install Microsoft Office desktop applications will be affected by a change Microsoft has made to their licensing.

This article applies to: Email @ Cornell , Office 365 Productivity Bundle

Starting September 15, 2024, temporary and affiliated Cornell employees who previously had been granted rights to install Microsoft Office desktop applications will be affected by a change Microsoft has made to their licensing.

The terms for these employees’ licenses will now grant access to Microsoft 365 Online, and no longer to desktop versions.

What can I expect after September 15, 2024?

While the desktop programs may remain installed on your devices, if you try to open a file with an Office desktop app, you will no longer have full access when signing in. Desktop applications may still provide "read-only" access (view and print) to Microsoft 365 files.

Why can’t I keep access to desktop Office programs? I need them for my work!

Microsoft 365 Online continues to be available to you. It offers web-based versions of the programs you are familiar with — just sign in at

If your department determines you have a business need for Microsoft Office on your desktop, they can either purchase a license for you or change your HR-designated affiliation to one that entitles you to Microsoft Office on the desktop (that is, Faculty, Academic, or Staff).

Are there good alternatives to the Office program suite I am losing?

There are several alternatives, but Microsoft 365 Online ( is recommended.

If you or your department decide instead to purchase a license for Office programs on your desktop, make sure that you do not use your Cornell email address to activate the license. This will conflict with what you are entitled to use with your current Cornell role (that is, only the online version of Microsoft 365).

For tutorials about getting started with Microsoft 365 online, visit Microsoft 365 Training. Other learning resources you may have access to, including LinkedIn Learning, also offer tutorials on the online versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Why do some other staff in my unit still have desktop Office programs on their device?

Only employees with Faculty, Academic, or Staff roles are entitled to a license for Office desktop apps. Others, including Temporary, Sponsored, and Affiliate employees, are licensed for Microsoft 365 Online.


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