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Cornell University

IT Professionals

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If you'd like to broaden your use of Microsoft Teams beyond Cornell, individuals who are outside the university can be added as external guests to a team. Doing so lets you to coordinate, communicate, and plan with colleagues at other universities, vendors, contractors, and other outside…
On November 13, 2023, Go-Live will occur for Industrial Hygiene, the final stage of the five-year project to implement Cority at Cornell. Go-Live for Industrial Hygiene will be followed by a final transition and closeout period, expected to complete by the end of calendar year 2023.  Thanks…
I have my old device In this situation, you have your old device as well as your new device.
If you are getting a new computer, use the instructions at Change Devices Using Secure Connect instead.
Before you begin, make sure that your new device has Beyond Identity already installed – this will save you some time. (See Step 1 on this page if you’re unsure.)
If you collaborate on documents stored in Cornell Google services like Google Drive, check to make sure that nothing you need was shared by someone who has left the university.
On Saturday, October 28, 2023, TeamDynamix will be upgraded to version 11.8. This release will introduce several new and enhanced features. Of particular interest to Cornell IT staff are the following: Report Enhancements Charts and graphs will be improved, with a more modern-feeling experience…
If you are looking for information about what to do if your Google Workspace account was deactivated in November, but you still need to download data, please see the Google Account Deactivation page.
Available to CITSG customers only. redirects to CITSG support. Added as a landing page to add the service listing to the A-Z listing.
The Microsoft 365 Home page was recently updated to make it faster and easier to find the files you and your collaborators are working with. It has a Recommended section that lets you know about activity you may want to be aware of. It includes files you've recently shared, files that…
Approvals is a native Teams application that lets you create, manage, and share approval requests and sign-offs. You can quickly start an approval flow from the same place you send a chat or have a channel conversation, or from the approvals app itself. A feature has been added that lets you…
If you need to replace the device you use with Secure Connect, contact your local IT Support Group. You must have access to both devices in order to add Secure Connect to your new hardware.
A new, faster Teams app will soon be available. New Teams will also streamline and focus the look and feel of notifications, search, messages, and meetings. When it becomes available, estimated sometime in November 2023, it will be possible to try it by flipping a toggle in Teams, then switch back…
What Vended Products Need a Review Under University Policy 5.12, all vended products used at Cornell should meet the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines standard. This means all vended products should undergo a review process, whether by the unit that intends to use the product or by the…
How the Search Works (OR operator) By default when you put in several words, the search engine looks on IT@Cornell for pages that have any of those words in them. If you search for Microsoft office the results will show if they have the word Microsoft OR office in them.
The Outlook desktop application is in the process of being updated to a "New" version. Details about this change can be found in the Microsoft announcement.
Cornell's Microsoft OneDrive file storage and collaboration service has experienced major improvements in speed, organization, and personalization. OneDrive is integrated with Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft 365 services, and can be accessed through Microsoft Office apps or directly at onedrive…
The Strategic Storage Initiative, launched in 2021, continues its efforts to provide services that meet Cornell's storage needs in a financially sustainable manner. Over its history, the project has implemented processes that help manage storage use. These include:
"My Drive" is For You - Not For Projects In a shared project, it is common for people to share content in someone's personal Cornell Google Drive. With all of the information in one location, everyone feels secure that all the materials are gathered up in a safe place. Then a project member…
The updated IT@Cornell website ( went live after the close of business hours on Monday, September 25, 2023. The launch concludes the new site project, which began late in 2022. The new version of the website runs on Drupal 9, a supported version of the web platform that brings…

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