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Cornell University

Request Large Meeting, Webinar, or Premium Audio for Zoom

A variety of free license upgrades are available to users with a business need.

This article applies to: Zoom

Available Licenses

The following license upgrades are available. Please submit your request form (link below) at least five days in advance.

  • LargeMeeting500 - allows you to host a meeting with up to 500 participants. 
  • Premium Audio - provides domestic and international toll-free calling and callback (where the meeting will call the participant).
  • Webinar500 - allows you to host a webinar with up to 500 participants.
  • Webinar1000 - allows you to host a webinar with up to 1000 participants (limited availability).
  • Webinar3000 - allows you to host a webinar with up to 3000 participants (extremely limited availability).


The only option available to students is LargeMeeting500. The Premium Audio and Webinar options aren’t available to students.

Upgrades to the Premium Audio, Webinar500, Webinar1000, or Webinar3000 licenses still allow the hosting of Zoom meetings. (The default meeting participant level is 300.)

Webinar1000 and Webinar3000 licenses are only granted for specific individual events, after which your account reverts to Webinar500. If you have a large webinar planned and do not have any webinar license, Webinar500 can be added to your account in advance, so that you may schedule and practice your webinar.

Large Meeting500, Premium Audio, and Webinar500 licenses will persist after the event. However, CIT will conduct periodic reviews of usage, and will work with users to adjust license options that are no longer needed by hosts.

Breakout Rooms are, by default, not available in Zoom webinars. Visit Set Up and Work with Breakout Rooms for more information.

Wondering what your Cornell Zoom license allows? Log into your Cornell Zoom account, click Profile, then scroll down to Account to see whether you have a Meeting or Webinar license and how many participants you may include. (Those with webinar licenses can also create meetings.)

License Upgrade Request

Request a Large Meeting or Webinar License Upgrade for Zoom

(This opens a request form in a new window.)

  1. Select the upgrade(s) desired.
  2. For Webinar1000 and Webinar3000 requests, you must provide the date and time of the event. 
  3. Click Submit.

Premium Audio Request

Request Premium Audio for Zoom 

(This opens a request form in a new window.)

  1. Enter the business purpose.
  2. For Webinar1000 and Webinar3000 requests, you must provide the date and time of the event. 
  3. Click Submit.


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