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Cornell University

Cornell's Network Security Profile

This article applies to: Wired Network


Cornell's Network Security Profile helps to protect against specific security risks detected on the Cornell wireless networks. If a risk is detected, the connection is blocked; the blocked "content" may be an entire site, a page, or a part of a page such as an ad.

The specific protections are being managed by CIT Network Engineering according to the standards set by the IT Security Office.


Cornell's network security profile has been applied on the Cornell wireless networks. Wired networks at Cornell are protected by a managed firewall. Although the message you may see when content is blocked is very similar for the Cornell network security profile and the managed firewall, the services are not exactly the same. For more information, see the Managed Firewall page.

Who is Protected?

All users, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors receive the same protections.

Personally-owned Devices

If you are using a personally-owned device your connections have the same protections as any other connections.


Cornell's network security profile detects and protects against specific security risks, and will not block access to content unless a risk has been detected. It does not monitor user activity or censor content.

University Policies on Computer Security and Data Protection

A number of University policies are important to, and inform our use of, information technologies (IT) resources at Cornell. The set of policies specific to IT are outlined here: Cornell's Computer Security and Data Protection Policies.

Troubleshooting: Blocked Content Message

You may see a message that content was blocked by Cornell's network security profile. This means a risk was detected with the content you were trying to reach. For more information, see the troubleshooting tip page.


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