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Cornell University

Locating Tickets in TDNext

Learn how to locate tickets through various methods in TDNext.

This article applies to: TeamDynamix

Ticket Ownership

Important: Refresh your page before taking a ticket as it may not reflect the latest status.

Check to see if anyone is currently viewing or working on the ticket before taking ownership:

  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select a ticket you would like to view. A new window will open.
  3. Check for person icon beside the Service Request ID on the top left of the ticket.

Others that are viewing the ticket

  • Green circle icon: No one (other than you) is currently viewing the ticket, and no one is editing it. Check the responsibility field to ensure that the ticket hasn't already been assigned.
  • Blue circle icon: Shows how many other people are currently viewing the ticket. Avoid taking the ticket.
  • Yellow/gold icon: The ticket is in the process of being edited/assigned. Do not take ownership.
  • Red circle icon: Shows how many people are currently editing the ticket. Mousing over the icon will tell you who, and when they began editing the ticket. Do not take ownership.

Locating Tickets in TDNext

There are many ways to locate tickets in TDNext since desktops are unique for each person. Additionally, there are multiple types of desktops within TDNext to help separate and organize information. To accommodate various needs, we will explain every way to locate tickets in TDNext.

Using Assigned to Me

Note: This option shows tickets assigned to you, not tickets assigned to groups in which you are a member.
  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select the waffle icon on the top left of the screen.
  3. Scroll through the menu then select the CIT - Ticketing application. A new tab will open.
  4. Select the Assigned to Me option under the Tickets section on the left hand menu.
  5. Select the ticket you would like to view.

Custom Report

Note: This option is more applicable to technicians.
  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select the waffle icon on the top left of the screen.
  3. Scroll through the menu then select the CIT - Ticketing application. A new tab will open.
  4. Scroll to your department/group on the left hand side of the screen then select the Open Tickets option.
  5. Select the ticket you would like to view.

My Work Application

  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select the waffle icon on the top left of the screen.
  3. Scroll through the menu then select the My Work application. A new tab will open.
  4. Select the ticket you would like to view from the My Work tab on the left hand menu.

Desktop Add-on

  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select + New Desktop in the ribbon. A new window will open.
  3. Enter a name for your new desktop then select Save.
  4. Scroll to then select the Tickets tab on the bottom left of the window.
  5. Drag and drop the modules you want to either Column 1 or Column 2.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select the X button to close the window.
  8. Select the drop down menu in the ribbon on the right of the desktop homepage then select your new desktop layout.


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