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Cornell University

Cancelling a Spam or Test Ticket

How to cancel a spam, test, or unwanted ticket.

This article applies to: TeamDynamix

Why Cancel a Ticket?

If a ticket is created by spam, a test or unwanted email, it should be cancelled to prevent it from appearing in reports.

Cancelling a Ticket

Note: Every TDNext desktop setup is different, so these steps may differ from user to user. If the ticket you wish to cancel is available from your desktop modules, select it and proceed to step 6 below.

1. Navigate to TDNext.

2. Select the waffle icon then scroll to select the CIT - Ticketing application. A new tab will open.

3. Select Tickets on the left hand menu.

4. Select the ticket that you want to cancel. A new window will open.

5. Select Actions then Update.

6. Set the Status to Cancelled.

7. Enter a comment such as "spam" or "test" into the Comments field.

8. Remove any recipients from the Notify fields.

9. Select Save.


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